Mastering Common Italian Phrases For Your Next Trip

Planning a trip to Italy? Knowing a few key phrases can make your experience more enjoyable and authentic. From greetings to ordering food, these simple Italian phrases will help you connect with locals, navigate with ease, and fully immerse yourself in the culture during your journey.

Essential Italian Greetings and Farewells

Knowing how to say hello and goodbye in Italian sets the tone for a warm interaction. From a simple “Ciao” to an evening farewell of “Buona sera,” these phrases open doors to friendly conversations.

Essential Italian Greetings and Farewells

Basic hellos and goodbyes

Learning basic hellos and goodbyes in Italian can make your trip much better. These phrases will help you greet people the right way.

Italian PhraseEnglish TranslationWhen to Use
CiaoHello/GoodbyeInformal greeting or farewell, used any time of day
BuongiornoGood morning/Good dayUsed from morning until early afternoon
BuonaseraGood eveningUsed in the late afternoon and evening
BuonanotteGood nightSaid before going to bed or when parting at night
ArrivederciGoodbyeFormal or informal farewell
A prestoSee you soonWhen you expect to see someone again soon
A domaniSee you tomorrowWhen you will see someone the next day
SalveHello (formal)Formal greeting, used during meetings or introductions
AddioFarewellVery formal and emotional, usually for long or permanent farewells
A dopoSee you laterInformal, when you expect to see someone later the same day
Benvenuto (m)/Benvenuta (f)WelcomeUsed when greeting someone entering a place or gathering
Come stai?How are you?Informal, used in casual conversation
Sto bene, grazieI’m fine, thank youResponse to “How are you?”
Ci vediamoSee youInformal, similar to “see you later”
Mi scusiExcuse me (formal)Formal, used to apologize or get attention
ScusaSorry (informal)Informal apology
Piacere di conoscertiNice to meet you (informal)Used in casual introductions
Piacere di conoscerlaNice to meet you (formal)Used in formal introductions

These phrases are the building blocks of polite conversation in Italy.

Essential Italian Greetings and Farewells_

Polite salutations for different times of the day

Knowing how to greet people in Italian shows respect and helps make a good first impression. Here are polite salutations for various times of the day.

Italian SalutationEnglish TranslationWhen to Use
BuongiornoGood morning/Good dayUsed in the morning until early afternoon (typically until 2 PM)
Buon pomeriggioGood afternoonUsed in the afternoon (from 2 PM to early evening)
BuonaseraGood eveningUsed in the late afternoon and evening (starting from around 5 PM)
BuonanotteGood nightUsed when parting at night or before going to bed
SalveHello (formal)A formal greeting that can be used at any time of the day
ArrivederciGoodbyePolite farewell, can be used any time

Key Phrases for Navigating Your Visit

Getting around in Italy is easier with a few key phrases. Learn how to ask for directions and order your favorite meals to make your trip smooth.

Key Phrases for Navigating Your Visit

Asking for directions

Asking for directions in Italy can be easy if you know the right phrases. Use these Italian sentences to find your way around.

Italian PhraseEnglish TranslationWhen to Use
Dov’è…?Where is…?Use when asking for a specific location (e.g., Dov’è il bagno? – Where is the bathroom?)
Come posso arrivare a…?How can I get to…?Asking for directions to a destination
Mi può aiutare a trovare…?Can you help me find…?A polite way to ask for help in finding something
Quanto dista…?How far is…?Use to inquire about the distance to a place
È vicino o lontano?Is it near or far?Asking whether a place is close or far away
A sinistra o a destra?To the left or to the right?Use when confirming directions
C’è una fermata dell’autobus qui vicino?Is there a bus stop nearby?Asking for nearby public transportation
Quanto ci vuole per arrivare a…?How long does it take to get to…?Asking for travel time to a destination
Qual è la strada più veloce per…?What’s the fastest way to…?Inquiring about the quickest route
Mi sono perso/a.I am lost.Use when you’re lost and need directions
Può mostrarmi sulla mappa?Can you show me on the map?Requesting directions on a map
Devo prendere la prima strada a destra/sinistra?Should I take the first street on the right/left?Confirming specific directions

Next, let’s talk about ordering food and drinks.

Ordering food and drinks

Ordering food and drinks

Engaging with local cuisine is a significant aspect of your Italian trip. Armed with the correct expressions, you can engage with the Italian food scene and explore typical dishes integral to their diverse culinary journey.

Italian PhraseEnglish TranslationWhen to Use
Vorrei…I would like…Use to politely order something (e.g., Vorrei un caffè – I would like a coffee)
Posso avere…?Can I have…?Another polite way to ask for something (e.g., Posso avere un bicchiere d’acqua? – Can I have a glass of water?)
Il menù, per favore.The menu, please.Use when asking for the menu
Cosa mi consiglia?What do you recommend?Asking for recommendations from the server
C’è qualcosa per vegetariani?Is there something for vegetarians?Use if you want to inquire about vegetarian options
Avete piatti senza glutine?Do you have gluten-free dishes?Asking if gluten-free options are available
Posso avere il conto, per favore?Can I have the bill, please?Use when asking for the bill
Un bicchiere di vino rosso, per favore.A glass of red wine, please.Use when ordering wine
Vorrei una bottiglia d’acqua frizzante.I would like a bottle of sparkling water.Ordering sparkling water
Potrei avere una birra, per favore?Could I have a beer, please?Use when ordering beer
Senza ghiaccio, per favore.No ice, please.If you prefer your drink without ice
Il cibo è delizioso!The food is delicious!Complimenting the food
Ho un’allergia a…I have an allergy to…Use to inform the staff about any food allergies
Solo un caffè, grazie.Just a coffee, thanks.Use for ordering a coffee when you don’t want anything else
Un tavolo per due, per favore.A table for two, please.Use when requesting a table for two people

Practicing these expressions will simplify your dining experience in Italy, enabling you to relish their scrumptious Italian fare including traditional dishes recognized on March 08, 2024 as worth sampling during your stay.

Handling Common Situations

Handling Common Situations

Handling common situations in Italy gets easier with the right phrases. Learn how to shop and ask for help, so your trip goes smoothly.

Shopping phrases

Shopping in Italy is a great chance to use some Italian phrases. Here’s a guide to help you talk about shopping.

Italian PhraseEnglish TranslationWhen to Use
Quanto costa?How much does it cost?Use when asking the price of an item
Posso aiutarti?Can I help you?A common phrase shopkeepers may ask when you enter
Vorrei comprare…I would like to buy…Use to specify what you want to purchase (e.g., Vorrei comprare una giacca – I would like to buy a jacket)
C’è uno sconto su questo?Is there a discount on this?Asking if an item is discounted
Posso provare questo?Can I try this on?Use when you want to try on clothes or accessories
Dove sono i camerini?Where are the fitting rooms?Asking for the location of the fitting rooms
Avete questa taglia?Do you have this size?Inquiring if they have your size
Posso pagare con la carta di credito?Can I pay with a credit card?Use when asking if you can pay by credit card
Posso vedere quello, per favore?Can I see that one, please?Use when pointing to an item and asking to see it
È troppo caro.It’s too expensive.Use when the price is too high for your budget
C’è qualcosa di più economico?Is there something cheaper?Asking if there is a less expensive option
Dove posso trovare…?Where can I find…?Use when looking for specific items
Può farmi uno sconto?Can you give me a discount?Politely asking for a discount
Accettate contanti?Do you accept cash?Asking if they accept cash payments
Vorrei una ricevuta, per favore.I would like a receipt, please.Requesting a receipt after purchasing
È in saldo?Is it on sale?Use when asking if an item is part of a sale
Quanto devo pagare?How much do I need to pay?Use when confirming the total amount to be paid
Posso restituirlo se non va bene?Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?Asking about the return policy

These phrases will help make shopping in Italy easier and more fun!

Emergency and assistance requests

Emergency and assistance requests

After learning shopping phrases, knowing how to ask for help in emergencies is crucial. You may face unexpected situations where these phrases can be lifesavers.

Italian PhraseEnglish TranslationWhen to Use
Aiuto!Help!Use in any urgent situation when you need assistance
Chiamate un dottore, per favore.Call a doctor, please.Use when you or someone else needs medical help
Ho bisogno di un medico.I need a doctor.Use when you need to see a doctor
C’è un’emergenza.There is an emergency.Use to alert someone about an emergency situation
Può aiutarmi, per favore?Can you help me, please?Use when you need assistance
Mi sono perso/a.I am lost.Use when you are lost and need directions or assistance
Chiami la polizia, per favore.Call the police, please.Use when you need to contact the authorities
C’è stato un incidente.There has been an accident.Use to report an accident
Ho bisogno di un’ambulanza.I need an ambulance.Use in case of a serious medical emergency
Dove si trova l’ospedale più vicino?Where is the nearest hospital?Use when you need to find a hospital
Ho perso il mio passaporto.I lost my passport.Use when you need help after losing your passport
Ho bisogno di assistenza immediata.I need immediate assistance.Use in urgent situations where immediate help is required
Il mio telefono è stato rubato.My phone has been stolen.Use to report theft of your phone
Dov’è la stazione di polizia più vicina?Where is the nearest police station?Asking for the location of the nearest police station
Non mi sento bene.I don’t feel well.Use when feeling unwell and need help
Qual è il numero d’emergenza?What is the emergency number?Asking for the local emergency contact number
Ho avuto un incidente.I’ve had an accident.Use when you need help after an accident
Mi sono fatto/a male.I’ve hurt myself.Use when you’ve injured yourself
C’è un dottore qui?Is there a doctor here?Use to inquire if a doctor is nearby

These phrases keep things simple yet are very helpful in various scenarios while traveling.


Mastering common Italian phrases will make your trip much better. You’ll feel more at home and enjoy talking with locals. Learn greetings, how to ask for directions, order food, and handle shopping.

Knowing these phrases helps in emergencies too. So, get ready to speak some Italian on your next visit!

Emma Darcy

Emma Thompson has spent her life helping others learn. She has been a teacher for over ten years and loves finding new ways to make learning fun and meaningful. Emma co-founded Edmora because she wanted to create a place where everyone can learn in a way that suits them best.

View all posts by Emma Darcy

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