How to Say Good Night in French

Saying goodnight in French is more than a nightly routine; it’s a critical cultural practice. In France, how you say goodnight isn’t just about saying goodbye for the day but also about showing care and keeping up social connections. Whether you choose a simple “Bonne nuit” or a more thoughtful “Dors bien” depends on how close you are to the person and where you are.

Knowing these phrases is crucial if you want to get better at French and understand the culture. Each one means something special and is picked carefully, showing what you mean and fitting in with French social rules.

Basic Ways to Say Good Night in French

Basic Ways to Say Good Night in French

When learning French, mastering simple phrases like how to say good night is a great start. These phrases are easy to remember and useful in daily conversations. Here, we’ll explore different ways to bid someone good night in French, helping you sound both polite and natural.

Also See – Thank You and You Are Welcome in French

French PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Bonne nuitGood nightBohn nwit
Fais de beaux rêvesSweet dreamsFay duh boh rev
Dors bienSleep wellDoor byan
À demainSee you tomorrowAh duh-mahn
Repose-toi bienRest wellRuh-pohz-twah byan
Passe une bonne nuitHave a good nightPass oon bohn nwit
Bonne soiréeGood eveningBohn swah-ray
Que tu dormes bienHope you sleep wellKuh too dorm byan
À plus tardSee you laterAh ploo tar
Je te souhaite une bonne nuitI wish you a good nightZhuh tuh swet un bohn nwit
Dors comme un bébéSleep like a babyDoor kohm uhn beh-bay
Dormez bienSleep well (formal/plural)Door-may byan
Bonne nuit à toiGood night to youBohn nwit ah twa
Que tes rêves soient douxMay your dreams be sweetKuh tay rev swah doon
Je te dis bonne nuitI’m saying good night to youZhuh tuh dee bohn nwit
Passe une nuit paisibleHave a peaceful nightPass oon nwit pay-zeebl
Bon reposGood restBohn ruh-pohs
Bonne nuit mon ami(e)Good night my friendBohn nwit mohn ah-mee(e)
Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêvesGood night and sweet dreamsBohn nwit eh fay duh boh rev
Bonne nuit à tousGood night everyoneBohn nwit ah too
Romantic and Flirty Ways to Say Good Night

Romantic and Flirty Ways to Say Good Night

When saying good night in French, you can make it more than just a goodbye. With the right words, you can turn a simple message into a romantic and playful expression of affection. Whether you’re whispering sweet nothings or sending a flirty text, these phrases will leave a lasting impression.

French PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Fais de beaux rêves, mon amourSweet dreams, my lovefeh duh boh rev, mon ah-moor
Que ta nuit soit douce comme tes lèvresMay your night be as sweet as your lipskuh tah nwee swah dooss kom teh lev-ruh
Bonne nuit, mon trésorGood night, my treasurebon nwee, mon tray-zor
J’ai hâte de rêver de toi ce soirI can’t wait to dream of you tonightzhay aht duh rev-ay duh twah suh swahr
Dors bien, tu es dans mon cœurSleep well, you are in my heartdor byan, tu eh dahn mon kur
Je t’envoie un baiser pour te souhaiter bonne nuitI’m sending you a kiss to wish you good nightzhuh ton-vwah uhn beh-zay poor tuh sweh-tay bon nwee
Dors paisiblement, mon angeSleep peacefully, my angeldor pay-zi-bleh, mon ahnzh
Hâte de te revoir au lever du jourCan’t wait to see you at dawnaht duh tuh ruh-vwahr oh luh-vay doo zhoor
Je te garde dans mes pensées, bonne nuitI keep you in my thoughts, good nightzhuh tuh gard dahn meh pan-say, bon nwee
Bonne nuit, à demain dans mes rêvesGood night, see you tomorrow in my dreamsbon nwee, ah deh-mohn dahn meh rev
Repose-toi bien, mon cherRest well, my dearruh-pohz-twah byan, mon shair
Que ta nuit soit aussi belle que toiMay your night be as beautiful as youkuh tah nwee swah oh-see beh-luh kuh twah
Rêve de moi, je rêve de toiDream of me, I dream of yourev duh mwah, zhuh rev duh twah
Bonne nuit, mon étoileGood night, my starbon nwee, mon eh-twahl
Je ne peux pas attendre de te revoir demainI can’t wait to see you again tomorrowzhuh nuh puh pah ah-tahndr duh tuh ruh-vwahr deh-muhn
Que ton sommeil soit rempli d’amourMay your sleep be filled with lovekuh ton so-may swah rahm-plee dah-moor
Je t’embrasse tendrement pour te dire bonne nuitI kiss you tenderly to wish you good nightzhuh tahm-brahss tahn-druh-mahn poor tuh deer bon nwee
Bonne nuit, mon cœur palpite pour toiGood night, my heart beats for youbon nwee, mon kur pal-peat poor twah
À demain, je t’aime toujours plusSee you tomorrow, I love you moreah deh-mohn, zhuh tem toujours ploo
Je te chuchote bonne nuit à travers les étoilesI whisper good night to you through the starszhuh tuh shoo-shot bon nwee ah tra-vair lay eh-twahl
French Expressions Related to Sleep

French Expressions Related to Sleep

Sleep is a vital part of life, and the French language offers many colorful ways to describe it. Whether it’s catching up on rest, feeling sleepy, or dreaming, these expressions reflect the charm of French culture and its take on sleep.

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French PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Faire dodoTo go to sleepfehr doh-doh
Dormir sur ses deux oreillesTo sleep soundlydor-meer sur say duh zore-ay
Avoir un sommeil de plombTo sleep very deeplyah-vwahr uhn soh-meh de plon
Compter les moutonsTo count sheepkohm-tay lay moo-ton
Piquer un sommeTo take a nappee-kay uhn sohm
Tomber de sommeilTo fall asleeptom-bay duh sohm-ay
Avoir un sommeil légerTo have a light sleepah-vwahr uhn soh-meh lay-zhay
Passer une nuit blancheTo have a sleepless nightpah-say oon nwee blahnsh
Se coucher avec les poulesTo go to bed earlysuh koo-shay ah-vek lay poo-l
Avoir les yeux qui se fermentTo have droopy eyesah-vwahr lay zyeuh kee suh fehr-mont
Être dans les bras de MorphéeTo be in the arms of Morpheuseh-truh dahn lay brah duh mor-fay
Faire la siesteTo take a napfehr lah syest
Ronfler comme un sonneurTo snore like a bearrohn-flay kohm uhn sohn-uhr
Dormir à poings fermésTo sleep soundlydor-meer ah pwah ehn fehr-may
Être un gros dormeurTo be a heavy sleepereh-truh uhn groh dor-mur
Dormir comme une marmotteTo sleep like a logdor-meer kohm oon mar-moht
Avoir le sommeil agitéTo have restless sleepah-vwahr luh soh-meh ah-zhee-tay
Se lever du mauvais piedTo get up on the wrong side of the bedsuh luh-vay dyoo moh-vay pied
Ne pas fermer l’œil de la nuitTo not sleep at allnu pah fehr-may l’uh-yeh duh la nwee
Avoir besoin de sommeilTo need sleepah-vwahr beh-zwan duh soh-meh-l

Cultural Notes on Saying Good Night

Understanding how to say goodnight in French can help you connect better with French people. The phrase “bonne nuit” is more than just a goodbye. It shows respect and care, and it helps strengthen relationships.

The French value politeness in all areas of life. Depending on the relationship, you might use different phrases. “Bonne nuit” works for everyone, but you can add “mon cher” or “ma chère” to make it more personal for someone close. Saying a polite goodnight also wraps up the day nicely and wishes the other person a peaceful sleep. This shows how much the French value keeping in touch every day.


In short, knowing how to say “good night” in French is more than just words—it ties into language skills and cultural respect. When you use phrases like “Bonne nuit,” “Dors bien,” and “Fais de beaux rêves,” you show you understand the personal and cultural nuances. These aren’t just phrases; they’re a way to connect more deeply with people when you speak French. Using them in your daily chats doesn’t just improve your speaking; it builds stronger relationships.

Emma Darcy

Emma Thompson has spent her life helping others learn. She has been a teacher for over ten years and loves finding new ways to make learning fun and meaningful. Emma co-founded Edmora because she wanted to create a place where everyone can learn in a way that suits them best.

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