How to Say Good Night in German: Phrases and Variations

Saying “goodnight” isn’t just a way to end the day; it’s a deep-rooted tradition in German-speaking areas. In Germany, people are particular about when to say “Guten Abend” (good evening) and “Gute Nacht” (good night). You use “Guten Abend” from late afternoon until the late evening.

But, “Gute Nacht” is only for when you’re about to go to bed. If you mix them up, it might lead to some awkward moments because people might get the wrong idea about what you mean. It’s important to know when to use these phrases right, especially if you want to fit in with German social life. It all comes down to the timing and the situation when you talk to people.

Good Night in German

 Common Ways to Say Good Night in German

There are many ways to say good night in German, each offering a unique tone or warmth. Whether you’re speaking to a friend, family member, or loved one, choosing the right phrase adds a personal touch. Below are some popular ways to wish someone a restful night.

German PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Gute NachtGood nightGoo-teh Nahkt
Schlaf gutSleep wellShlaf goot
Träum schönDream beautifullyTroim shern
Schönen AbendHave a nice eveningSher-nen Ah-bent
Schlaf schönSleep beautifullyShlaf shern
Bis morgenUntil tomorrowBis Mor-gen
Träum was SchönesDream something beautifulTroim vahs Sher-nes
Hab eine gute NachtHave a good nightHab eye-neh Goo-teh Nahkt
Gute RuheGood restGoo-teh Roo-heh
Ruh dich ausRest yourselfRoo dihks owss
Bis baldSee you soonBis bahlt
Schlaf in RuheSleep in peaceShlaf in Roo-he
Mach’s gutTake careMahk’s goot
Süße TräumeSweet dreamsSoo-zeh Troi-meh
Angenehme TräumePleasant dreamsAn-ge-ne-meh Troi-meh
Schlaf friedlichSleep peacefullyShlaf freed-likh
Möge der Schlaf dich erfrischenMay sleep refresh youMer-ge der Shlaf dikh erf-rish-en
Schlaf wie ein BärSleep like a bearShlaf vee ein Bear
Leg dich hin und ruh dich ausLie down and rest yourselfLeg dik hin und roo dihks owss
Gute Nacht, mein SchatzGood night, my darlingGoo-teh Nahkt, mine Shahts

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How to Say Good Night in German

 Informal and Fun Phrases

Learning a language isn’t all about grammar and rules. It’s also about knowing how to sound natural. German has its fair share of casual and playful phrases. These expressions add color to conversations, making them more relaxed and fun.

German PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Alles klar?All clear?Ah-les klahr?
Was geht ab?What’s up?Vahs gayt ahb?
Hau rein!Go for it!How rhyme!
Na ja, mal sehenWell, let’s seeNah yah, mahl zayn
Ich versteh’ nur BahnhofI don’t understand a thingIkh fersh-teh nur Bahn-hof
Nicht dein Ernst!You can’t be serious!Nikht dain Ernst!
Bock habenTo be in the moodBok hah-ben
Mach’s gut!Take care!Mak’s goot!
Auf jeden Fall!Definitely!Owf yay-den fahl!
Das ist der Hammer!That’s amazing!Dahs ist dehr hah-mer!
Lass es krachen!Let’s party!Lahs es krah-khen!
Du spinnst wohl!You’re crazy!Doo shpin-st vohl!
Läuft bei dir!Things are going well for you!Loyft bye deer!
Kein Ding!No problem!Kine ding!
Nicht schlecht!Not bad!Nikht shlekht!
Pass auf!Watch out!Pas owf!
 Romantic Good Night Phrases in german

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 Romantic Good Night Phrases

End your day with tenderness and affection by sharing romantic good night phrases in German. These sweet and loving expressions can help you connect on a deeper level, making your loved one feel cherished even from afar. Below are some heartfelt ways to say good night in German.

German PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Schlaf gut, mein Herz.Sleep well, my heart.Shlaf goot, mine hertz.
Ich denke an dich, bevor ich einschlafe.I think of you before I sleep.Ik den-keh an deekh, be-for ik ayn-shlaf-eh.
Träume süß von uns.Sweet dreams of us.Troi-meh zues fon uns.
Ich wünsche dir eine Nacht voller schöner Träume.I wish you a night full of beautiful dreams.Ik vin-sheh deer eye-neh naht fol-er shernah troi-meh.
Gute Nacht, mein Engel.Good night, my angel.Goo-teh naht, mine eng-el.
Schlaf ein und denk an mich.Sleep and think of me.Shlaf ine und denk an mikh.
Ich freue mich, dich bald wiederzusehen.I look forward to seeing you again soon.Ik froi-eh mikh, deekh bahld vee-der-zay-en.
Du bist in meinen Träumen, Schatz.You are in my dreams, darling.Doo bist in mine-en troi-mehn, shahtz.
Ich vermisse dich und wünschte, du wärst hier.I miss you and wish you were here.Ik fer-miss-eh deekh und vin-sht-eh, doo vairst heer.
Schlaf gut und träume von mir.Sleep well and dream of me.Shlaf goot und troi-meh fon meer.
Ich liebe dich bis in die Träume hinein.I love you even in dreams.Ik lee-beh deekh bis in dee troi-meh hin-ine.
Mein Herz ist bei dir, auch in der Nacht.My heart is with you, even in the night.Mine hertz ist by deer, owkh in der naht.
Ich sende dir einen Kuss in die Nacht.I send you a kiss in the night.Ik zen-deh deer eye-nen koos in dee naht.
Träume süß, Liebster.Sweet dreams, dearest.Troi-meh zues, leeb-stair.
Schlaf gut, mein Prinz.Sleep well, my prince.Shlaf goot, mine prints.
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich wiederzusehen.I can hardly wait to see you again.Ik kan es kown evair-ten, deekh vee-der-zay-en.
Du bist mein letzter Gedanke vor dem Schlafen.You are my last thought before sleeping.Doo bist mine let-ster geh-dahn-keh for dem shlaf-en.
Mögen deine Träume so schön sein wie du.May your dreams be as beautiful as you.Mer-gun deh-ih-neh troi-meh zo shurn sein vee doo.
Schlaf gut und sei dir meiner Liebe sicher.Sleep well and be sure of my love.Shlaf goot und zy deer mine-er lee-beh zig-er.
Gute Nacht, mein Liebling.Good night, my darling.Goo-teh naht, mine leeb-ling.


In short, learning how to say goodbye in German is about more than just words. Using phrases like “Gute Nacht” when it’s bedtime or “Guten Abend” in the evening, and adding personal touches like “Schlaf schön, mein Schatz,” helps you communicate effectively and appropriately. This knowledge makes conversations smoother and helps build deeper relationships in German social and cultural settings.

Daniel Rivera

Daniel Rivera started his career in technology but soon realized he loved teaching others how to use it. He co-founded Edmora to bring together his love for tech and teaching.

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