In Italian culture, saying goodbye is more than just words. It shows deep social and cultural values. The Italian language has many phrases for different settings, showing how vital relationships and context are. If you want to improve at speaking Italian, knowing which farewells to use and when is crucial. For example, you’d use “Arrivederci” in a work setting, but “Ciao” with friends. Each goodbye carries a lot of cultural weight, making it crucial to fitting in and showing respect in Italian society.
Common Ways to Say Goodbye in Italian
Exploring the Italian language reveals varied expressions to bid farewell. Whether leaving a friend or concluding a meeting, each phrase offers a unique tone and context, enriching your interactions. Let’s dive into common Italian goodbyes and their English meanings.
Italian Phrase | English Translation | Pronunciation |
Arrivederci | Goodbye | ah-ree-veh-DER-chee |
Ciao | Bye | chow |
Addio | Farewell | ahd-DEE-oh |
A presto | See you soon | ah PRES-toh |
Ci vediamo | See you later | chee veh-DYAH-moh |
Ci vediamo dopo | See you later | chee veh-DYAH-moh DOH-poh |
A dopo | See you later | ah DOH-poh |
A domani | See you tomorrow | ah doh-MAH-nee |
Buona notte | Good night | BWO-nah NOT-teh |
Salve | Hello (used as goodbye in formal contexts) | SAL-veh |
Alla prossima | Until next time | ah-lah PROX-see-mah |
Fino a domani | Until tomorrow | FEE-noh ah doh-MAH-nee |
Buona giornata | Have a good day | BWO-nah zhor-NAH-tah |
Buona serata | Have a good evening | BWO-nah seh-RAH-tah |
A più tardi | See you later | ah pyoo TAHR-dee |
Ci vediamo presto | See you soon | chee veh-DYAH-moh PRES-toh |
A risentirci | Talk to you soon | ah ree-SEN-teer-chee |
Ci sentiamo | We’ll be in touch | chee sen-TYAH-moh |
Ci si vede | See you around | chee see VEH-deh |
Alla prossima volta | Until next time | ah-lah PROX-see-mah VOL-tah |
Addio amico mio | Farewell my friend | ahd-DEE-oh ah-MEE-koh MEE-oh |
ArrivederLa | Goodbye (formal) | ah-ree-veh-DER-lah |
Buon proseguimento | Enjoy the rest of your day | bwon proh-seh-GWEEN-men-toh |
Buona continuazione | Enjoy your continuation (often used in informal gatherings) | bwon-ah con-tee-nwah-ZYOH-neh |
Informal Goodbyes for Friends and Family
When parting ways with loved ones, a heartfelt goodbye can keep the warmth alive. This list showcases 25 casual Italian farewells, each paired with their English meanings, to leave a smile as you part.
Italian Phrase | English Translation | Pronunciation |
Ci vediamo! | See you! | chee veh-dee-AH-moh |
A dopo! | See you later! | ah DOH-poh |
Ciao ciao! | Bye bye! | CHOW CHOW |
A domani! | See you tomorrow! | ah doh-MAH-nee |
A presto! | See you soon! | ah PRESS-toh |
Alla prossima! | Until next time! | ah-lah PROSS-ee-mah |
Statti bene! | Take care! | STAH-tee BEH-neh |
Buona serata! | Have a good evening! | BWOH-nah seh-RAH-tah |
Addio! | Goodbye! | ah-DEE-oh |
Ci sentiamo! | We’ll be in touch! | chee sen-tee-AH-moh |
Fatti sentire! | Let me hear from you! | FAH-tee sen-TEE-reh |
Torna presto! | Come back soon! | TOR-nah PRESS-toh |
Salutami tutti! | Say hi to everyone! | sah-LOO-tah-mee TOO-tee |
Non sparire! | Don’t be a stranger! | nohn spah-REE-reh |
Vatti a divertire! | Go have fun! | VAH-tee ah dee-ver-TEE-reh |
Buon rientro! | Have a good trip back! | BWOH-n ree-EHN-troh |
Passa a trovarmi! | Come visit me! | PAH-sah ah troh-VAR-mee |
Ci vediamo dopo! | See you later! | chee veh-dee-AH-moh DOH-poh |
Tienimi aggiornato! | Keep me updated! | tee-EH-nee-mee ahh-gior-NAH-toh |
Lasciamoci su questo! | Let’s leave it at that! | lah-SHAH-mee-oh che soo KWEST-toh |
Mantieni il contatto! | Stay in touch! | man-tee-EE-nee eel con-TAH-toh |
Vai e vinci! | Go and win! | VAH-ee eh VEEN-chee |
Prenditi cura di te! | Take care of yourself! | PREHN-dee-tee COO-rah dee teh |
Fai buon viaggio! | Have a good trip! | FAH-ee BWOH-n vee-AH-joh |
Speriamo di vederci presto! | Hope to see you soon! | speh-REE-AH-moh dee veh-DEHR-chee PRESS-toh |
Formal Goodbyes for Professional Settings
Parting ways in a professional setting calls for a polished tone. Here, we explore formal goodbyes in Italian, perfect for maintaining decorum when concluding meetings, correspondence, or interactions in Italy.
Italian Phrase | English Translation | Pronunciation |
Distinti saluti | Kind regards | dees-TEEN-tee sah-LOO-tee |
Cordiali saluti | Warm regards | kor-DYAH-lee sah-LOO-tee |
Con rispetto | With respect | kon rees-PEH-toh |
Con stima | With esteem | kon STEE-mah |
Cordialmente | Cordially | kor-DYAHL-men-teh |
Rispettosamente | Respectfully | rees-peh-toh-ZAH-men-teh |
Con i migliori auguri | With best wishes | kon ee mee-lyoh-REE ow-GOOR-ee |
Vi ringrazio per la collaborazione | Thank you for your cooperation | vee reen-GRAH-tsyoh pehr lah kol-lah-boh-rah-TSYOH-ne |
Spero di lavorare ancora insieme | I hope we work together again | SPEH-roh dee lah-voh-RAH-reh ahn-KOH-rah een-SYEH-meh |
ArrivederLa | Goodbye (formal singular) | ah-ree-veh-DER-lah |
Auguro una buona giornata | I wish you a good day | OW-goo-roh oo-nah BWOH-nah jorn-NAH-tah |
Auguro un buon proseguimento | I wish you well as you continue | OW-goo-roh oon bwohn proh-seg-wee-MEN-toh |
Vi auguro ogni bene | I wish you all the best | vee OW-goo-roh OHN-yee BEH-neh |
Spero di rivederLa presto | I hope to see you soon | SPEH-roh dee ree-veh-DER-lah PREH-stoh |
Grazie per la Sua attenzione | Thank you for your attention | GRAH-tsyeh pehr lah SOO-ah ahten-TSYOH-neh |
Grazie per il Suo tempo | Thank you for your time | GRAH-tsyeh pehr eel SOO-oh TEM-poh |
Alla prossima occasione | Until the next opportunity | AH-lah PROSS-ee-mah oh-kah-ZYOH-neh |
Con grande considerazione | With great consideration | kon GRAHN-deh kon-see-der-ah-TSYOH-neh |
In attesa di una Sua risposta | Looking forward to your response | een ah-TEH-sah dee OO-nah SOO-ah ree-SPOS-tah |
Vi saluto cordialmente | I cordially greet you | vee sah-LOO-toh kor-DYAHL-men-teh |
Un cordiale saluto da | A warm greeting from | oon kor-DYAH-leh sah-LOO-toh dah |
Con il più profondo rispetto | With the deepest respect | kon eel PYOH proh-FON-doh rees-PEH-toh |
Ci vediamo al prossimo incontro | See you at the next meeting | chee veh-DYAH-mo ahl PROSS-ee-mo een-KON-troh |
Spero in future collaborazioni | I look forward to future collaborations | SPEH-roh een foo-TOO-reh kol-lah-boh-rah-TSYOH-nee |
Le porgo i miei saluti | I extend my greetings to you | leh POR-goh ee MYEH-ee sah-LOO-tee |
Goodbye Phrases for Special Situations
Saying goodbye varies with context and emotion. This section explores Italian phrases tailored for unique moments, ensuring your farewells are both meaningful and apt.
You May Like this – Mastering Common Italian Phrases For Your Next Trip
Italian Phrase | English Translation | Pronunciation |
Arrivederci alla prossima | See you next time | Ah-ree-veh-dehr-chee ahl-lah pross-ee-mah |
Addio, ci rivedremo presto | Farewell, we will meet again soon | Ahd-dee-oh, chee ree-veh-dreh-moh press-toh |
Ci vediamo domani | See you tomorrow | Chee veh-dee-ah-moh doh-mah-nee |
Fino a quando non ci incontriamo di nuovo | Until we meet again | Fee-noh ah kwahn-doh non chee in-kohn-tree-ah-moh dee nwo-voh |
Salutami tutti | Say hello to everyone for me | Sah-loo-tah-mee too-tee |
Con affetto, addio | With affection, goodbye | Kohn ahf-fet-toh ahd-dee-oh |
Lasciati andare in pace | Go in peace | Lah-shah-tee ahn-dah-reh in pah-cheh |
Un ultimo abbraccio prima di andare | One last hug before you go | Oon ool-tee-moh ahb-brah-choh pree-mah dee ahn-dah-reh |
Non è un addio, è un arrivederci | It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see you later | Non eh oon ahd-dee-oh, eh oon ah-ree-veh-dehr-chee |
Addio, con tutto il mio cuore | Goodbye, with all my heart | Ahd-dee-oh, kohn too-toh eel mee-oh kwor-reh |
Ci mancherai | You will be missed | Chee mahn-keh-rai |
Spero di vederti presto | I hope to see you soon | Speh-roh dee veh-dehr-tee press-toh |
Che tu possa avere un viaggio sicuro | May you have a safe journey | Keh too poh-sah ah-veh-reh oon vee-ah-joh see-coo-roh |
Parti con il mio amore | Leave with my love | Par-tee kohn eel mee-oh ah-more-eh |
Arrivederci, amico mio | Goodbye, my friend | Ah-ree-veh-dehr-chee, ah-mee-koh mee-oh |
Speriamo di incontrarci di nuovo | Let’s hope we meet again | Speh-ree-ah-mo dee in-kohn-trahr-chee dee nwo-voh |
Prenditi cura di te | Take care of yourself | Pren-dee-tee koo-rah dee teh |
Ricordati di noi | Remember us | Ree-kor-dah-tee dee noi |
Finché non ci incontreremo di nuovo | Until we meet again | Feen-kay non chee in-kohn-tree-ah-moh dee nwo-voh |
Vai e conquista il mondo | Go and conquer the world | Vai eh kon-kwee-stah eel mon-doh |
Che la fortuna ti segua | May luck follow you | Keh lah for-too-nah tee seh-gwah |
Fino alla nostra prossima avventura | Until our next adventure | Fee-noh ahl-lah nos-trah pross-ee-mah ah-ven-too-rah |
Un addio per ora | A goodbye for now | Oon ahd-dee-oh per oh-rah |
Sarai sempre nei miei pensieri | You will always be in my thoughts | Sah-rai sem-preh nay mee-ay pen-see-eh-ree |
Lasciami con un sorriso | Leave me with a smile | Lah-shah-mee kohn oon soh-ree-zoh |
Learning to say goodbye in Italian can boost your language skills and help you connect with the culture. Whether you use a formal “Arrivederla” in a work environment, a friendly “Ciao” with pals, or a local slang, each version reflects Italy’s rich culture.
Using these different goodbyes improves your Italian and makes your interactions more meaningful, helping you get along better with the locals. Keep practicing these phrases. Remember, every goodbye is more than words—it’s a chance to connect culturally. Dive into the world of Italian farewells and make every goodbye count. See you next time!