How to Say Happy Birthday in Italian: Phrases and Tips

In today’s world, it’s essential to understand different cultures. Knowing simple Italian birthday phrases like “Buon Compleanno!” (Happy Birthday!) and “Tanti auguri!” (Best wishes!) helps you connect with others and shows you appreciate Italian culture.

These phrases do more than just follow tradition; they help you dive deeper into the culture. Learning these birthday greetings is a significant first step if you want to start building relationships with Italian speakers.


Basic Ways to Say Happy Birthday in Italian

If you’re looking to wish someone a happy birthday in Italian, there are many ways to do it. Whether you’re keeping it simple or adding a personal touch, these phrases will help you express your best wishes. Here are some common Italian birthday greetings to use.

Italian PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Buon compleanno!Happy Birthday!Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no
Tantissimi auguri!Many wishes!Tan-TEES-see-mee ow-GOO-ree
Auguri di buon compleanno!Wishes for a happy birthday!Ow-GOO-ree dee bwon kom-pleh-AH-no
Felice compleanno!Happy Birthday!Feh-LEE-che kom-pleh-AH-no
Ti auguro un giorno speciale.I wish you a special day.Tee OW-go-roo oon JOR-no speh-CHA-le
Auguri di cuore!Heartfelt wishes!Ow-GOO-ree dee KWAH-re
Che tu possa avere un compleanno meraviglioso.May you have a wonderful birthday.Keh too POS-sa AH-ve-re oon kom-pleh-AH-no meh-rah-vee-LYOH-so
Buon compleanno e tanti auguri.Happy birthday and many wishes.Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no eh TAN-tee ow-GOO-ree
Cento di questi giorni!A hundred of these days!CHEN-toh dee KWES-tee JOR-nee
Auguri per il tuo giorno speciale.Wishes for your special day.Ow-GOO-ree per eel TOO-oh JOR-no speh-CHA-le
Buona festa di compleanno!Happy birthday party!BWO-nah FEHS-tah dee kom-pleh-AH-no
Felicissimo compleanno!Very happy birthday!Feh-lee-CHEE-see-mo kom-pleh-AH-no
Ti auguro tanta felicità.I wish you much happiness.Tee OW-go-roo TAN-tah feh-lee-CHIT-ah
Buon compleanno amico mio!Happy birthday my friend!Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no ah-MEE-koh MEE-oh
Auguri per un compleanno pieno di gioia.Wishes for a joyful birthday.Ow-GOO-ree per oon kom-pleh-AH-no PYEH-no dee JOY-ah
Felici auguri di compleanno!Happy birthday wishes!Feh-LEE-chee ow-GOO-ree dee kom-pleh-AH-no
Spero tu abbia un compleanno fantastico.I hope you have a fantastic birthday.SPEH-roh too AH-bee-ah oon kom-pleh-AH-no fan-TAS-tee-koh
Ti mando i miei migliori auguri.I send you my best wishes.Tee MAHN-do ee MYAY-ee mee-LYO-ree ow-GOO-ree
Tantissimi auguri di compleanno!Many birthday wishes!Tan-TEES-see-mee ow-GOO-ree dee kom-pleh-AH-no
Che il tuo compleanno sia pieno di amore.May your birthday be full of love.Keh eel TOO-oh kom-pleh-AH-no SEE-ah PYEH-no dee ah-MOH-re
Buon compleanno e tanta gioia!Happy birthday and much joy!Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no eh TAN-tah JOY-ah
Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!Many wishes for a happy birthday!TAN-tee ow-GOO-ree dee bwon kom-pleh-AH-no
Che questa giornata ti porti tanta felicità.May this day bring you much happiness.Keh KWES-tah jor-NAH-tah tee POR-tee TAN-tah feh-lee-CHIT-ah
Ti auguro una giornata indimenticabile.I wish you an unforgettable day.Tee OW-go-roo oo-nah jor-NAH-tah in-dee-men-tee-KAH-bee-le
Buon compleanno e tanta fortuna.Happy birthday and good luck!Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no eh TAN-tah for-TOO-nah
Un mondo di auguri per te.A world of wishes for you.Oon MON-doh dee ow-GOO-ree per tay
Felice giornata di compleanno!Happy birthday day!Feh-LEE-che jor-NAH-tah dee kom-pleh-AH-no
Tanti auguri per il tuo compleanno.Many wishes for your birthday.TAN-tee ow-GOO-ree per eel TOO-oh kom-pleh-AH-no
Auguri per un compleanno speciale.Wishes for a special birthday.Ow-GOO-ree per oon kom-pleh-AH-no speh-CHA-le
Buon compleanno, che tu possa realizzare ogni sogno.Happy birthday, may you fulfill every dream.Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no, keh too POS-sa reh-al-ee-ZAHR-eh OH-nee SOH-nyoh
Un compleanno pieno di felicità per te!A birthday full of happiness for you!Oon kom-pleh-AH-no PYEH-no dee feh-lee-CHIT-ah per tay
Buon compleanno e salute!Happy birthday and health!Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no eh sah-LOO-tay
Che la tua giornata sia piena di sorrisi.May your day be full of smiles.Keh lah TOO-ah jor-NAH-tah SEE-ah PYEH-nah dee sor-REE-see
Tantissimi auguri per un giorno speciale.Many wishes for a special day.Tan-TEES-see-mee ow-GOO-ree per oon JOR-no speh-CHA-le
Che tu possa avere un compleanno perfetto.May you have a perfect birthday.Keh too POS-sa AH-ve-re oon kom-pleh-AH-no per-FET-toh
Auguri per un futuro pieno di successi.Wishes for a future full of successes.Ow-GOO-ree per oon foo-TOOR-oh PYEH-no dee sooc-CHES-see
Felicità e auguri per questo giorno speciale.Happiness and wishes for this special day.Feh-lee-CHI-tah eh ow-GOO-ree per KWES-toh JOR-no speh-CHA-le
Buon compleanno e mille auguri!Happy birthday and a thousand wishes!Bwon kom-pleh-AH-no eh MEEL-le ow-GOO-ree
Ti auguro un compleanno felice e sereno.I wish you a happy and peaceful birthday.Tee OW-go-roo oon kom-pleh-AH-no feh-LEE-che eh seh-REH-no
Auguri per un giorno indimenticabile!Wishes for an unforgettable day!Ow-GOO-ree per oon JOR-no in-dee-men-tee-KAH-bee-le

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Common Birthday Phrases in Italian

Birthdays are special, and in Italy, there’s a charming way to say well wishes. From simple greetings to heartfelt messages, Italian phrases add warmth to any celebration. Here’s a list of common birthday phrases that capture the spirit of joy and festivity in Italian culture.

Italian PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Buon compleannoHappy Birthdaybwon kom-pleh-ahn-no
Tanti auguriBest wishestan-tee ow-goo-ree
Auguri di cuoreHeartfelt wishesow-goo-ree dee kwor-eh
Felice compleannoHappy Birthdayfeh-lee-che kom-pleh-ahn-no
Ti auguro un giorno specialeI wish you a special daytee ow-goo-ro oon jor-no speh-chah-le
Tantissimi auguriMany wishestan-tees-see-me ow-goo-ree
Un mondo di auguriA world of wishesoon mon-do dee ow-goo-ree
Che tu possa avere un compleanno indimenticabileMay you have an unforgettable birthdaykeh too poh-sah ah-veh-re oon kom-pleh-ahn-no in-dee-men-ti-kah-bee-le
Buon compleanno amico mioHappy Birthday, my friendbwon kom-pleh-ahn-no ah-mee-ko mee-oh
Auguri di buon compleannoWishes for a happy birthdayow-goo-ree dee bwon kom-pleh-ahn-no
Spero che tutti i tuoi sogni si avverinoI hope all your dreams come truespeh-ro keh toot-tee ee too-ee sog-nee see ahv-ver-ee-no
Un anno pieno di felicità e successiA year full of happiness and successoon an-no pee-eh-no dee feh-lee-chee-tah eh soo-cess-ee
Ti auguro tutta la felicità del mondoI wish you all the happiness in the worldtee ow-goo-ro toot-tah lah feh-lee-chee-tah del mon-do
Che la tua vita sia piena di gioiaMay your life be full of joykeh lah too-ah vee-tah see pee-nah dee joy-ah
Buona festa di compleannoHappy birthday celebrationbwon-ah fes-tah dee kom-pleh-ahn-no
Mille auguriA thousand wishesmee-leh ow-goo-ree
Ti auguro il meglioI wish you the besttee ow-goo-ro eel meh-lyo
Che sia un giorno splendidoMay it be a splendid daykeh see-ah oon jor-no splen-dee-doh
Possa ogni giorno portarti qualcosa di belloMay each day bring you something beautifulpoh-sah on-yee jor-no por-tar-tee qual-cosa dee beh-lo
Auguroni per il tuo compleannoBig wishes for your birthdayow-goo-roh-nee per eel too-oh kom-pleh-ahn-no
Che sia un anno meravigliosoMay it be a wonderful yearkeh see-ah oon an-no meh-rah-vee-lyoh-so
Auguri per un anno di gioiaWishes for a year of joyow-goo-ree per oon an-no dee joy-ah
Che tu possa realizzare tutti i tuoi desideriMay you fulfill all your wisheskeh too poh-sah reh-ah-leez-ah-re toot-tee ee too-ee dee-seh-deh-ree
Tanti auguri di salute e felicitàMany wishes for health and happinesstan-tee ow-goo-ree dee sah-loo-teh eh feh-lee-chee-tah
Oggi è il tuo giorno specialeToday is your special dayoh-gee eh eel too-oh jor-no speh-chah-le
Che la tua giornata sia piena di sorrisiMay your day be full of smileskeh lah too-ah jor-nah-tah see pee-nah dee sor-ree-see
Ti auguro amore e felicitàI wish you love and happinesstee ow-goo-ro ah-mo-re eh feh-lee-chee-tah
Buon compleanno con tanto affettoHappy birthday with much affectionbwon kom-pleh-ahn-no kon tan-toh ahf-feh-to
Goditi il tuo giorno specialeEnjoy your special daygo-dee-tee eel too-oh jor-no speh-chah-le
Che la vita ti sorrida sempreMay life always smile at youkeh lah vee-tah tee sor-ree-dah sem-pre
Ti auguro un futuro pieno di successiI wish you a future full of successtee ow-goo-ro oon foo-too-ro pee-eh-no dee soo-cess-ee
Felice giornata di compleannoHappy birthday dayfeh-lee-che jor-nah-tah dee kom-pleh-ahn-no
Che tu possa essere sempre feliceMay you always be happykeh too poh-sah ess-ere sem-pre feh-lee-che
Tanti auguri per una vita meravigliosaMany wishes for a wonderful lifetan-tee ow-goo-ree per oo-nah vee-tah meh-rah-vee-lyoh-sah
Che la gioia ti accompagni sempreMay joy always accompany youkeh lah joy-ah tee ah-com-pah-ny see-em-pre
Ti auguro una giornata piena di sorpreseI wish you a day full of surprisestee ow-goo-ro oo-nah jor-nah-tah pee-eh-nah dee sor-preh-se
Un anno nuovo, una nuova avventuraA new year, a new adventureoon an-no noo-voh, oo-nah noo-vah ah-ven-too-rah
Che tu possa vivere sempre con il sorrisoMay you always live with a smilekeh too poh-sah vee-veh-re sem-pre kon eel sor-ee-so
Auguri per una giornata indimenticabileWishes for an unforgettable dayow-goo-ree per oo-nah jor-nah-tah in-dee-men-ti-kah-bee-le
Che tu possa avere un futuro radiosoMay you have a radiant futurekeh too poh-sah ah-veh-re oon foo-too-ro rah-dyo-so

Heartfelt Birthday Wishes in Italian

Expressing birthday wishes in Italian adds a beautiful, personal touch. Italian phrases capture warmth, love, and joy in simple yet meaningful ways. These heartfelt messages are perfect for celebrating someone’s special day, offering your sincere hopes for their happiness, health, and prosperity.

Italian PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Buon compleanno! Ti auguro un anno pieno di gioia e felicità.Happy birthday! I wish you a year full of joy and happiness.Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh! Tee OW-go-roon AHN-oh PYEN-oh dee JOY-ah eh feh-lih-CHI-tah.
Che ogni tuo sogno si realizzi oggi e sempre.May every dream of yours come true today and always.Keh OH-nyee TOO-oh SOH-nyoh see reh-ah-LEET-see OH-gee eh SEM-preh.
Auguri di buon compleanno e mille sorrisi.Best wishes for a happy birthday and a thousand smiles.Ow-GOO-ree dee Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh eh MEEL-leh sor-REE-see.
Spero che questo sia un compleanno indimenticabile!I hope this is an unforgettable birthday!SPEH-roh keh KWEH-stoh SEE-ah OON kom-pleh-AN-oh in-dee-men-TEE-kah-bee-leh!
Ti auguro amore e felicità senza fine.I wish you love and happiness without end.Tee OW-go-roo ah-MOH-reh eh feh-lih-CHI-tah SEN-zah FEE-neh.
Che la tua giornata sia piena di sorprese meravigliose.May your day be full of wonderful surprises.Keh lah TOO-ah jor-NAH-tah SEE-ah PYEN-ah dee sor-PREH-seh meh-rah-VIL-yoh-seh.
Un abbraccio affettuoso per il tuo compleanno.A warm hug for your birthday.OON ah-BRAH-choh aff-et-TOH-soh pehr eel TOO-oh kom-pleh-AN-oh.
Che questo compleanno porti tutto ciò che desideri.May this birthday bring everything you desire.Keh KWEH-stoh kom-pleh-AN-oh POR-tee TOO-toh CHOH keh deh-SID-er-ee.
Auguri di cuore per una giornata speciale come te.Heartfelt wishes for a special day like you.Ow-GOO-ree dee KWOHR-eh pehr OON-ah jor-NAH-tah speh-CHA-leh KOH-meh tay.
Ti mando tanto affetto in questo giorno speciale.I send you lots of affection on this special day.Tee MAHN-doh TAN-toh aff-EHT-toh een KWEH-stoh JOR-noh speh-CHA-leh.
Che questo giorno sia solo l’inizio di un anno straordinario.May this day be just the beginning of an extraordinary year.Keh KWEH-stoh JOR-noh SEE-ah SOH-loh le-neet-SEE-oh dee OON AHN-noh strah-or-dee-NAH-ree-oh.
Ti auguro di sorridere sempre, oggi più che mai.I wish you to always smile, today more than ever.Tee OW-go-roo dee sor-REE-deh-reh SEM-preh, OH-gee PYOO keh MY.
Buon compleanno! Sei una persona meravigliosa.Happy birthday! You are a wonderful person.Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh! Say OON-ah per-SON-ah meh-rah-VIL-yoh-sah.
Spero che tu possa goderti ogni singolo momento di oggi.I hope you can enjoy every single moment of today.SPEH-roh keh TOO POS-sah go-DER-tee OH-nee SEEN-gee-loh mo-MEN-toh dee OH-gee.
Ti auguro un futuro radioso e pieno di amore.I wish you a bright future full of love.Tee OW-go-roo OON foo-TOOR-oh rah-DYO-soh eh PYEN-oh dee ah-MOH-reh.
Che la tua vita sia sempre colma di felicità.May your life always be filled with happiness.Keh lah TOO-ah VEE-tah SEE-ah SEM-preh KOL-mah dee feh-lih-CHI-tah.
Auguri per un compleanno splendido come il tuo sorriso.Wishes for a splendid birthday like your smile.Ow-GOO-ree pehr OON kom-pleh-AN-oh SPLEN-dee-doh KOH-meh eel TOO-oh sor-REE-zoh.
Oggi celebriamo la tua bellezza interiore ed esteriore.Today we celebrate your inner and outer beauty.OH-jee cheh-leh-BREE-ah-mo lah TOO-ah beh-LEHT-tsah in-teh-REE-oh-reh eh eh-steh-REE-oh-reh.
Che la gioia di oggi ti accompagni per tutto l’anno.May the joy of today accompany you throughout the year.Keh lah JOY-ah dee OH-gee tee ah-KOM-pah-ny ee pehr TOO-toh l’AHN-noh.
Buon compleanno, ti auguro momenti magici e indimenticabili.Happy birthday, I wish you magical and unforgettable moments.Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh, tee OW-go-roo mo-MEN-tee MAH-jee-chee eh in-dee-men-TEE-kah-bee-lee.
Ti auguro tanta fortuna e successi in ogni ambito.I wish you lots of luck and success in every field.Tee OW-go-roo TAN-tah for-TOO-nah eh soo-CHEH-ssi een OH-nee AHM-bee-toh.
Che la vita ti regali sempre tutto ciò che desideri.May life always give you everything you desire.Keh lah VEE-tah tee reh-GAH-lee SEM-preh TOO-toh CHOH keh deh-SID-er-ee.
Un giorno speciale per una persona altrettanto speciale.A special day for a special person.OON JOR-noh speh-CHA-leh pehr OON-ah per-SON-ah al-treh-TAHN-toh speh-CHA-leh.
Che tu possa sempre avere la forza di realizzare i tuoi sogni.May you always have the strength to achieve your dreams.Keh TOO POS-sah SEM-preh ah-VEH-reh lah FOR-tsah dee reh-ah-LEE-zah-reh ee TOO-ee SOH-ny.
Possa il tuo compleanno essere tanto dolce quanto te.May your birthday be as sweet as you.POS-sah eel TOO-oh kom-pleh-AN-oh ESS-sereh TAN-toh DOL-cheh KWAHN-toh tay.
Ti auguro serenità, amore e tanta allegria oggi e sempre.I wish you serenity, love, and lots of joy today and always.Tee OW-go-roo seh-reh-nee-TAH, ah-MOH-reh eh TAN-tah al-leh-GREE-ah OH-gee eh SEM-preh.
Un caloroso augurio per un compleanno pieno di felicità.A warm wish for a birthday full of happiness.OON kah-loh-ROH-soh ow-GOO-ree-o pehr OON kom-pleh-AN-oh PYEN-oh dee feh-lih-CHI-tah.
Possa ogni tuo desiderio di compleanno avverarsi.May every birthday wish of yours come true.POS-sah OH-nyee TOO-oh deh-SID-er-ee-oh dee kom-pleh-AN-oh av-ver-RAH-see.
Oggi festeggio la tua amicizia e la tua meravigliosa esistenza.Today I celebrate your friendship and your wonderful existence.OH-jee fes-TEH-jo lah TOO-ah ah-mee-CHEE-ah eh lah TOO-ah meh-rah-VIL-yoh-sah eh-zi-STEN-tsah.
Che la tua vita sia sempre piena di amore e luce.May your life always be full of love and light.Keh lah TOO-ah VEE-tah SEE-ah SEM-preh PYEN-ah dee ah-MOH-reh eh LOO-cheh.
Auguri di buon compleanno e di una vita splendida.Wishes for a happy birthday and a splendid life.Ow-GOO-ree dee Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh eh dee OON-ah VEE-tah SPLEN-dee-dah.
Che la tua giornata sia ricca di sorrisi e dolcezza.May your day be rich in smiles and sweetness.Keh lah TOO-ah jor-NAH-tah SEE-ah REE-kah dee sor-REE-zee eh dol-CHEH-tsah.
Buon compleanno, ti auguro solo cose belle.Happy birthday, I wish you only beautiful things.Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh, tee OW-go-roo SOH-loh KOH-zeh BEL-leh.
Che la tua vita sia una continua festa di gioia.May your life be a continuous celebration of joy.Keh lah TOO-ah VEE-tah SEE-ah OON-ah kon-TEEN-wah FES-tah dee JOY-ah.
Possa questo giorno essere solo il principio di grandi cose.May this day be just the beginning of great things.POS-sah KWEH-stoh JOR-noh ESS-sereh SOH-loh eel prin-CHI-pee-oh dee GRAN-dee KOH-zeh.
Ti auguro un compleanno pieno di sorprese e regali.I wish you a birthday full of surprises and gifts.Tee OW-go-roo OON kom-pleh-AN-oh PYEN-oh dee sor-PREH-seh eh reh-GAH-lee.
Oggi è il giorno perfetto per ricordarti quanto sei speciale.Today is the perfect day to remind you how special you are.OH-jee eh eel JOR-noh per-FET-toh pehr ree-KOR-dar-tee KWAHN-toh say speh-CHA-leh.
Buon compleanno! Ti auguro una giornata fantastica e piena di amore.Happy birthday! I wish you a fantastic day full of love.Bwon kom-pleh-AN-oh! Tee OW-go-roo OON-ah jor-NAH-tah fan-TAS-tee-kah eh PYEN-ah dee ah-MOH-reh.
Spero che tu possa festeggiare in grande e con chi ami di più.I hope you can celebrate grandly with those you love the most.SPEH-roh keh TOO POS-sah fes-TEH-jah-reh in GRAN-deh eh KOHN kee AH-mee dee PYOO.
Che la tua vita sia sempre colma di risate e felicità.May your life always be filled with laughter and happiness.Keh lah TOO-ah VEE-tah SEE-ah SEM-preh KOL-mah dee ree-ZAH-teh eh feh-lih-CHI-tah.

“When is your birthday?” and the verb compiere in Italian

Here is your list of useful birthday expressions in a table format:

EnglishItalianItalian Pronunciation
When is your birthday?Quand’è il tuo compleanno?Kwan-dèh eel too-oh com-pleh-ann-noh
My birthday is…Il mio compleanno è il …Eel mee-oh com-pleh-ann-noh èh
How old do you turn?Quanti anni compi?Kwan-tee ahn-nee com-pee?
I turn…Ne compio…Neh com-pee-oh…
How old are you?Quanti anni hai?Kwan-tee ann-nee ah-ee?
I am…Ho … anni.Oh … ann-nee
What year were you born?Di che anno sei?Dee keh ann-noh seh-ee
I was born in…Sono del…Soh-noh dell…
You don’t show them!Non li dimostri!Non lee dee-most-ree
You carry them well!Li porti bene!Lee por-tee beh-neh
You look younger!Sembri più giovane!Sem-bree pee-ooh joh-vah-neh
What would you like for your birthday?Cosa vuoi per il tuo compleanno?Coh-sah voo-oh-ee per eel too-oh com-pleh-ann-noh
The birthday boy/girlIl festeggiato / la festeggiataEel fess-teh-jah-toh
The presentIl regaloEel reh-gah-loh
The cakeLa tortaLah torr-tah
The candlesLe candelineLeh can-deh-lee-neh
To blow the candlesSpegnere le candelineSpe-nyeh-re leh can-deh-lee-neh
To make a wishEsprimere un desiderioEss-pree-meh-reh oon deh-zee-deh-ree-oh
To make a toastFare un brindisiFah-reh oon breen-dee-zee
Birthday partyFesta di compleannoFess-tah dee com-pleh-ann-noh
Surprise partyFesta a sorpresaFess-tah ah sor-preh-zah
To celebrate a birthdayFesteggiare il compleannoFess-teh-jah-reh eel com-pleh-ann-noh
To wish a happy birthdayFare gli auguri di compleannoFah-reh lly ah-oo-goo-ree dee com-pleh-ann-noh
To pull the earsTirare le orecchieTee-rah-reh leh oh-rek-kyeh

Cultural Significance of Italian Birthday Wishes

Celebrating a birthday with Italian wishes is special. It shows respect for tradition and brings people together. In Italy, a birthday is more than just your celebration; it’s a time for everyone to strengthen ties with family and friends.

When you say “Buon compleanno” or “Tanti auguri,” you’re not just wishing someone well. You’re connecting with Italian traditions and showing appreciation for their cultural richness. These phrases are more than just words. They carry a warmth that’s key to Italian life. They’re part of every celebration, capturing the spirit of Italian friendliness and generosity. Using these words, we all enjoy the fun and feel part of the wider Italian community.


In simple terms, when you use the Italian phrases “Buon Compleanno” or “Tanti auguri,” you’re doing more than just saying happy birthday. You’re also getting a taste of Italian culture and how they celebrate together. These phrases aren’t just about the words; they’re about sharing good feelings and connecting with people. If you want to get the feel of Italian celebrations and build relationships, these traditional birthday greetings are a great way to start.

Emma Darcy

Emma Thompson has spent her life helping others learn. She has been a teacher for over ten years and loves finding new ways to make learning fun and meaningful. Emma co-founded Edmora because she wanted to create a place where everyone can learn in a way that suits them best.

View all posts by Emma Darcy

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