Many people want to know how to say “Good Night In Spanish” in different ways. Saying “Buenas Noches” is the most common way. Our article will teach you 54 dreamy ways to say it, fitting many situations. Ready to learn? Keep reading!

Common Ways to Say Good Night in Spanish
Saying good night in Spanish can be warm and personal. This section explores various phrases used in Spanish-speaking cultures. Whether you’re ending a conversation or bidding farewell for the night, these expressions will help you share heartfelt wishes with loved ones.
Spanish Phrase | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Buenas tardes | Good afternoon | bweh-nas TAR-des |
Buenas noches | Good night | bweh-nas NO-ches |
Que descanses | May you rest | keh des-KAN-ses |
Hasta mañana | See you tomorrow | AS-ta ma-NYAH-na |
Dulces sueños | Sweet dreams | DOOL-ses SWAY-nos |
Que sueñes con los angelitos | May you dream of little angels | keh SWEH-nes kon los ahn-he-LEE-tos |
Descansa bien | Rest well | des-KAN-sa byen |
Que pases buena noche | Have a good night | keh PAH-ses BWEH-na NO-che |
Hasta luego | See you later | AS-ta LWEH-go |
Buenas noches y dulces sueños | Good night and sweet dreams | bweh-nas NO-ches ee DOOL-ses SWAY-nos |
Hasta la vista | Until we meet again | AS-ta la VEES-ta |
Nos vemos mañana | We’ll see each other tomorrow | nos VEH-mos ma-NYAH-na |
Que te vaya bien | May things go well for you | keh teh VAH-ya byen |
Felices sueños | Happy dreams | feh-LEE-ses SWAY-nos |
Cuídate | Take care | KWEE-da-te |
Buenas noches, mi amor | Good night, my love | bweh-nas NO-ches, mee ah-MOR |
Hasta la próxima | Until next time | AS-ta la PROK-si-ma |
Sueña bonito | Dream beautifully | SWAY-na boh-NEE-to |
Que descanses bien | May you rest well | keh des-KAN-ses byen |
Adiós, que tengas una buena noche | Goodbye, may you have a good night | ah-DYOS, keh TEN-gas oo-na BWEH-na NO-che |
Hasta pronto | See you soon | AS-ta PRON-to |

Romantic and Flirty Good Night Phrases
As the day fades into night, it’s the perfect time to whisper sweet dreams. These romantic and flirty good night phrases will help you express your affection. Share a heartfelt message that lingers in their mind, ensuring they drift off with a smile and thoughts of you.
See Also – How to Say Goodbye in 25 Different Languages
English Phrase | Spanish Meaning | Pronunciation |
Dream of me, and I’ll dream of you. | Sueña conmigo, y yo soñaré contigo. | Swen-ya kon-mi-go, ee yo so-nyar-ay kon-tee-go. |
Sleep tight, my love. Tomorrow awaits our adventures. | Duerme bien, mi amor. Mañana nos esperan nuestras aventuras. | Dwer-me byen, mee a-mor. Man-ya-na nos es-pe-ran nues-tras a-ven-tu-ras. |
Good night, gorgeous. You make my heart race. | Buenas noches, hermosa. Haces que mi corazón lata. | Bwe-nas no-ches, er-mo-sa. Ha-ses ke mee ko-ra-zon la-ta. |
May your dreams be as lovely as your smile. | Que tus sueños sean tan hermosos como tu sonrisa. | Ke toos swe-nyos se-an tan er-mo-sos ko-mo tu so-ri-sa. |
Sending you kisses to keep you warm through the night. | Te envío besos para mantenerte caliente durante la noche. | Te en-vio be-sos pa-ra man-ten-er-te ka-len-te du-ran-te la no-che. |
Rest well, beautiful. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. | Descansa bien, hermosa. No puedo esperar a verte mañana. | Des-kansa byen, er-mo-sa. No pwe-do es-pe-rar a ver-te man-ya-na. |
Close your eyes and feel my love wrapping around you. | Cierra los ojos y siente mi amor envolviéndote. | Sye-ra los o-hos ee syen-te mee a-mor en-vol-vien-do-te. |
Sweet dreams, my favorite distraction. | Dulces sueños, mi distracción favorita. | Dool-ses swe-nyos, mee dis-trak-syon fa-vo-ri-ta. |
You’re the last thing on my mind tonight. | Eres lo último en mi mente esta noche. | E-res lo ul-ti-mo en mee men-te es-ta no-che. |
May your dreams be filled with the magic we share. | Que tus sueños estén llenos de la magia que compartimos. | Ke toos swe-nyos es-ten ye-nos de la ma-hee-ka ke kom-par-ti-mos. |
Good night, love. I’ll be counting down the hours until I see you. | Buenas noches, amor. Estaré contando las horas hasta que te vea. | Bwe-nas no-ches, a-mor. Es-ta-re kon-tan-do las o-ras as-ta ke te ve-a. |
Sleep well, knowing you have my heart. | Duerme bien, sabiendo que tienes mi corazón. | Dwer-me byen, sa-bien-do ke tye-nes mee ko-ra-zon. |
I wish I could be there to tuck you in. | Ojalá pudiera estar allí para arroparte. | O-ha-la pu-dye-ra es-tar a-yee pa-ra a-rro-par-te. |
Good night, my charming star. Shine bright in your dreams. | Buenas noches, mi estrella encantadora. Brilla fuerte en tus sueños. | Bwe-nas no-ches, mee es-tre-lla en-kan-ta-do-ra. Bree-ya fuer-te en toos swe-nyos. |
The night is beautiful, but it’s nothing compared to you. | La noche es hermosa, pero no se compara contigo. | La no-che es er-mo-sa, pe-ro no se kom-pa-ra kon-ti-go. |
As the stars twinkle, so does my love for you. | Así como las estrellas titilan, así es mi amor por ti. | A-see ko-mo las es-tre-llas ti-ti-lan, a-see es mee a-mor por ti. |
Dream sweetly, knowing you’re always in my heart. | Sueña dulcemente, sabiendo que siempre estás en mi corazón. | Swen-ya dool-se-men-te, sa-bien-do ke siem-pre es-tas en mee ko-ra-zon. |
Nighty night, my enchanting muse. | Buenas noches, mi musa encantadora. | Bwe-nas no-ches, mee moo-sa en-kan-ta-do-ra. |
I can’t wait to wake up and make new memories with you. | No puedo esperar a despertar y crear nuevos recuerdos contigo. | No pwe-do es-pe-rar a des-per-tar ee kre-ar nwe-vos re-kuer-dos kon-ti-go. |
Drift off knowing that you’re loved beyond measure. | Déjate llevar sabiendo que eres amado sin medida. | De-ha-te ye-var sa-bien-do ke e-res a-ma-do sin me-di-da. |

Casual and Slang Good Night Phrases
As the day winds down, it’s time to say goodnight in style. This section features laid-back phrases and slang that capture the vibe of a relaxed farewell. Use these expressions to keep it cool and light as you bid your friends sweet dreams.
English Phrase | Spanish Meaning | Pronunciation |
Catch you on the flip side | Nos vemos luego | Nos vemos lue-go |
Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite | Duerme bien, que no te muerdan las chinches | Duer-me byen, ke no te mwer-dan las chin-ches |
Nighty night | Buenas noches | Bwe-nas no-ches |
Sweet dreams, homie | Dulces sueños, amigo | Dool-ses swe-nyos, a-mi-go |
Rest easy | Descansa tranquilo | Des-kans-a tran-kee-lo |
Time to hit the hay | Hora de ir a la cama | O-ra de eer a la ka-ma |
Peace out, dreamer | Adiós, soñador | A-dee-os, so-nyador |
Snooze you lose | Si te duermes, pierdes | Si te dwer-mes, pier-des |
Time to crash | Hora de dormir | O-ra de dor-mir |
See ya in dreamland | Te veré en el mundo de los sueños | Te ve-re en el moon-do de los swe-nyos |
Catch you later, alligator | Hasta luego, cocodrilo | As-ta lue-go, co-co-dri-lo |
Lights out, buddy | Apaga las luces, amigo | A-pa-ga las lu-ses, a-mi-go |
Hit the sack | Irse a dormir | Ir-se a dor-mir |
Drift off, my friend | Déjate llevar, amigo | De-ja-te ye-var, a-mi-go |
Zzz it up | Hazlo con zzz | Has-lo kon zzz |
Sleep like a rock | Duerme como una roca | Duer-me ko-mo una ro-ka |
Dream big, sleep tight | Sueña en grande, duerme bien | Swe-ña en gran-de, duer-me byen |
Goodnight, sleep tight, party all night | Buenas noches, duerme bien, fiesta toda la noche | Bwe-nas no-ches, duer-me byen, fiesta to-da la no-che |
Until tomorrow, sleep tight | Hasta mañana, duerme bien | As-ta ma-nyana, duer-me byen |
Go get your beauty sleep | Ve a descansar tu belleza | Ve a des-kans-ar tu be-le-sa |

Formal and Polite Good Night Phrases
As the day draws to a close, expressing goodwill is essential. These formal and polite good night phrases convey warmth and respect. Whether for colleagues or esteemed guests, they foster a sense of closure and appreciation, ensuring everyone departs on a positive note.
Also See – 35+ Ways To Say Goodbye In Spanish
English Phrase | Spanish Translation | Pronunciation |
Wishing you a peaceful and restful night ahead. | Te deseo una noche pacífica y reparadora. | Te deh-soh oo-nah noh-cheh pah-see-fih-kah ee reh-pah-rah-doh-rah. |
May your dreams be pleasant and your rest rejuvenating. | Que tus sueños sean agradables y tu descanso revitalizante. | Keh toos sweh-nyohs seh-ahn ah-grah-dah-bles ee too dehs-kahn-soh reh-vih-tah-lisahn-teh. |
Thank you for your valuable contributions today. Good night. | Gracias por tus valiosas contribuciones hoy. Buenas noches. | Grah-syahs pohr toos vah-lee-oh-sahs kohn-tree-boo-syoh-nes oy. Bwe-nahs noh-ches. |
I hope you find tranquility in the quiet of the night. | Espero que encuentres tranquilidad en la quietud de la noche. | Eh-speh-roh keh ehn-kwehn-tres trahn-kee-lidahd en lah kyeh-tood deh lah noh-cheh. |
Wishing you a serene evening and a restful night. | Te deseo una tarde serena y una noche reparadora. | Te deh-soh oo-nah tahr-deh seh-reh-nah ee oo-nah noh-cheh reh-pah-rah-doh-rah. |
May you wake refreshed and ready for tomorrow. | Que despiertes renovado y listo para mañana. | Keh dehs-pyehr-tes reh-noh-vah-doh ee lees-toh pah-rah mah-nyah-nah. |
I appreciate your efforts today. Have a wonderful night. | Aprecio tus esfuerzos hoy. Que tengas una noche maravillosa. | Ah-preh-syoh toos es-fwehr-zohs oy. Keh tehn-gahs oo-nah noh-cheh mah-rah-vee-yoh-sah. |
Sending my best wishes for a peaceful night. | Enviando mis mejores deseos para una noche pacífica. | Ehn-vyahn-doh mees meh-hoh-res deh-sohs pah-rah oo-nah noh-cheh pah-see-fih-kah. |
May the night bring you calm and restful sleep. | Que la noche te traiga calma y un sueño reparador. | Keh lah noh-cheh teh tray-gah kahl-mah ee oon sweh-nyoh reh-pah-rah-dor. |
Thank you for your hard work today. Sleep well. | Gracias por tu duro trabajo hoy. Duerme bien. | Grah-syahs pohr too doo-roh trah-bah-hoh oy. Dwehr-meh byen. |
Wishing you sweet dreams and a restful night’s sleep. | Te deseo dulces sueños y un sueño reparador. | Te deh-soh dool-sehs sweh-nyohs ee oon sweh-nyoh reh-pah-rah-dor. |
I hope your night is filled with tranquility and peace. | Espero que tu noche esté llena de tranquilidad y paz. | Eh-speh-roh keh too noh-cheh ehs-teh yeh-nah deh trahn-kee-lidahd ee pahs. |
May you enjoy a peaceful evening and a refreshing night. | Que disfrutes de una tarde pacífica y una noche refrescante. | Keh dees-froo-tehs deh oo-nah tahr-deh pah-see-fih-kah ee oo-nah noh-cheh reh-fres-kahn-teh. |
Thank you for your kindness today. Good night. | Gracias por tu amabilidad hoy. Buenas noches. | Grah-syahs pohr too ah-mah-bee-lidahd oy. Bwe-nahs noh-ches. |
Wishing you a pleasant and restorative night. | Te deseo una noche agradable y restauradora. | Te deh-soh oo-nah noh-cheh ah-grah-dah-bleh ee reh-stau-rah-doh-rah. |
May the night bring you comfort and serenity. | Que la noche te traiga confort y serenidad. | Keh lah noh-cheh teh tray-gah kohn-fort ee seh-reh-nee-dahd. |
I hope you have a restful night and wake with renewed energy. | Espero que tengas una noche reparadora y despiertes con energía renovada. | Eh-speh-roh keh tehn-gahs oo-nah noh-cheh reh-pah-rah-doh-rah ee dehs-pyehr-tes kohn ehn-ehr-hee-ah reh-noh-vah-dah. |
Thank you for your dedication today. Sleep tight. | Gracias por tu dedicación hoy. Duerme bien. | Grah-syahs pohr too deh-dee-kah-syohn oy. Dwehr-meh byen. |
Wishing you a peaceful night, filled with sweet dreams. | Te deseo una noche pacífica, llena de dulces sueños. | Te deh-soh oo-nah noh-cheh pah-see-fih-kah, yeh-nah deh dool-sehs sweh-nyohs. |
May you have a restful evening and a productive tomorrow. | Que tengas una tarde reparadora y un mañana productivo. | Keh tehn-gahs oo-nah tahr-deh reh-pah-rah-doh-rah ee oon mah-nyah-nah proh-duhk-tee-voh. |
Saying “Good Night” in Spanish can be fun and sweet. You can choose from many phrases, like “Buenas noches” or “Dulces sueños.” Each word can fit different situations, from casual chats to romantic goodbyes. Use these expressions to connect with others and show care. Enjoy sweet dreams in Spanish!