In the world of Portuguese, saying hello changes a lot depending on where you are and who you’re talking to. ‘Olá’ works most of the time, but there are other options like ‘Oi’, ‘Bom dia’, ‘Boa tarde’, and ‘Boa noite’, each fitting different times of day and how formal you want to be. Knowing these differences is critical to getting along well in Portuguese-speaking places. Knowing which greeting to use and when can turn a simple hello into a real connection.
30 Ways to Say Hello in Portuguese
In Portuguese, greetings vary by context and familiarity. Understanding these phrases can enhance your conversations and help you connect with native speakers. Here’s a collection of common ways to say hello in this vibrant language.
Portuguese | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Olá | Hello | oh-LAH |
Oi | Hi | oy |
Bom dia | Good morning | bohm JEE-ah |
Boa tarde | Good afternoon | BOH-ah TAR-deh |
Boa noite | Good night | BOH-ah NOY-che |
E aí? | What’s up? | eh ah-EE? |
Como vai? | How are you? | KOH-moh VY? |
Tudo bem? | All good? | TOO-doo BENG? |
Salve | Hi/Hello | SAL-veh |
Fala sério | Seriously | FAH-lah SEH-ree-oh |
Tudo certo? | Everything alright? | TOO-doo SER-toh? |
Como você está? | How are you? | KOH-moh voh-SEH es-TAH? |
Prazer | Nice to meet you | prah-ZER |
Como tá? | How’s it going? | KOH-moh TAH? |
Bem-vindo | Welcome | BEM-VIN-doo |
Olá, pessoal | Hello, everyone | oh-LAH, peh-SOAL |
Hi | Hi | hi |
Alô | Hello (on the phone) | ah-LOH |
Aí sim | That’s it | ah-EE SEEM |
Como é que tá? | How’s it going? | KOH-moh EH kee TAH? |
Tudo tranquilo? | Everything okay? | TOO-doo tran-KEE-loo? |
Que tal? | How about? | keh TAH-l? |
O que há? | What’s happening? | oo keh AH? |
Ei | Hey | ay |
Você está bem? | Are you okay? | voh-SEH es-TAH BEM? |
Regional Variations of Hello in Portuguese
Explore the diverse ways to say hello across Portuguese-speaking regions. Each variation reflects unique cultural nuances and local traditions, showcasing the richness of the language. Discover how greetings can vary from one community to another, adding depth to your understanding of Portuguese.
See – 100 Different Ways To Say Hello In Various Languages
Portuguese Phrase | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Olá | Hello | oh-LAH |
Oi | Hi | oy |
E aí | What’s up? | eh ah-EE |
Bom dia | Good morning | bohng DEE-ah |
Boa tarde | Good afternoon | BOH-ah TAR-dee |
Boa noite | Good evening/night | BOH-ah NOY-che |
Fala | Speak/talk | FAH-lah |
Salve | Hi (informal) | SAHL-veh |
Alô | Hello (on the phone) | ah-LOH |
Como vai? | How are you? | KOH-moh VAI? |
Tudo bem? | Everything good? | TOO-doo BENG? |
E aí, beleza? | What’s up, good? | eh ah-EE, beh-LEH-zah |
Opa | Oops/Hey | OH-pah |
Xá | What’s up? | SHAH |
Tranquilo | Calm/All good | trahn-KEE-lo |
Quê que há? | What’s happening? | keh keh AH? |
Aí sim | There you go! | ah-EE SEEM |
Hei | Hey | HEY |
Prazer | Nice to meet you | prah-ZER |
Grande! | Great! | GRAHN-deh |
Tô contigo | I’m with you | toh kon-TEE-go |
Saluton | Hello (Esperanto) | sah-LOO-ton |
Beleza? | Good? | beh-LEH-zah? |
Xê | Hey | SHEY |
Salute | Cheers (or greeting) | sah-LOO-tay |
Portuguese Greetings for Different Times of Day
Discover the beauty of Portuguese greetings for various times of day. These phrases will help you connect with friends and family, making your conversations warmer and more engaging. Embrace the charm of the language as you greet others with joy throughout the day.
Portuguese | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Bom dia | Good morning | bohm jee-ah |
Boa tarde | Good afternoon | bo-ah tar-je |
Boa noite | Good night | bo-ah noit |
Olá | Hello | oh-lah |
Oi | Hi | oy |
Bom início de dia | Good start to the day | bohm ee-nee-syo jee jee-ah |
Bom dia, como você está? | Good morning, how are you? | bohm jee-ah, koh-moh voh-seh es-tah? |
Boa tarde, tudo bem? | Good afternoon, how’s everything? | bo-ah tar-je, too-doo behm? |
Boa noite, durma bem | Good night, sleep well | bo-ah noit, door-ma behm |
Feliz manhã | Happy morning | feh-leez mahn-yah |
Boa manhã para você | Good morning to you | bo-ah mahn-yah pah-rah voh-seh |
Boa noite a todos | Good night to everyone | bo-ah noit ah toh-dohs |
Olá, que dia lindo! | Hello, what a beautiful day! | oh-lah, kee jee-ah leen-do! |
Boa tarde, espero que esteja bem | Good afternoon, I hope you’re well | bo-ah tar-je, es-peh-roh keh es-tah behm |
Bom dia, vamos aproveitar o dia! | Good morning, let’s enjoy the day! | bohm jee-ah, vah-mohs ah-proh-vee-tar oo jee-ah! |
Bom dia, meu amigo | Good morning, my friend | bohm jee-ah, meh-oo ah-mee-go |
Boa noite, até amanhã | Good night, see you tomorrow | bo-ah noit, ah-teh ah-mahn-yah |
Oi, como foi seu dia? | Hi, how was your day? | oy, koh-moh foy seh-o jee-ah? |
Bom dia, cheio de energia! | Good morning, full of energy! | bohm jee-ah, shay-oh jee dee en-er-jee! |
Boa tarde, que bom te ver! | Good afternoon, nice to see you! | bo-ah tar-je, keh bohm cheh veh! |
Olá, que dia maravilhoso! | Hello, what a wonderful day! | oh-lah, keh jee-ah mar-a-vil-oh-so! |
Bom dia, tudo ótimo? | Good morning, everything great? | bohm jee-ah, too-doo oh-chee-moh? |
Boa noite, sonhe com os anjos | Good night, dream of angels | bo-ah noit, so-nyay kohm ohs ahn-johs |
Olá, feliz por te ver | Hello, happy to see you | oh-lah, feh-leez por cheh veh |
Boa tarde, aproveite o resto do dia! | Good afternoon, enjoy the rest of the day! | bo-ah tar-je, ah-proh-vee-tay oo hes-toh doo jee-ah! |
How to Respond to Greetings in Portuguese
Understanding how to respond to greetings in Portuguese can enhance your conversations. It helps you connect with speakers and shows respect for their culture. Whether you’re in a casual or formal setting, knowing the right phrases can make all the difference.
Portuguese Phrase | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Tudo bem? | Everything good? | Too-doo behn? |
Estou bem, obrigado(a). | I’m fine, thank you. | Es-toh behm, ob-ree-gah-doo(a). |
E você? | And you? | Eh vo-seh? |
Bom dia! | Good morning! | Bohn jee-ah! |
Boa tarde! | Good afternoon! | Bwah tar-deh! |
Boa noite! | Good night! | Bwah noy-chee! |
Olá, tudo certo? | Hi, everything alright? | Oh-lah, too-doo sehr-toh? |
Tudo tranquilo? | Everything calm? | Too-doo tran-kee-loo? |
Que bom te ver! | How nice to see you! | Keh bohm cheh veh? |
Oi, como você está? | Hi, how are you? | Oy, koh-moo vo-seh es-tah? |
Tudo na paz? | Everything at peace? | Too-doo nah pahz? |
Estou ótimo(a), e você? | I’m great, and you? | Es-toh oh-chee-moo(a), eh vo-seh? |
Agradeço por perguntar. | I appreciate you asking. | Ah-grah-deh-soo poor per-gun-tar. |
Estou me saindo bem, obrigado(a). | I’m doing well, thank you. | Es-toh mee sah-een-doo behm, ob-ree-gah-doo(a). |
Melhor agora que te vi. | Better now that I saw you. | Mel-yor ah-goh-rah keh cheh vee. |
Estou bem, e você como está? | I’m fine, and how are you? | Es-toh behm, eh vo-seh koh-moo es-tah? |
Que alegria te ver! | What a joy to see you! | Keh ah-leh-gree-ah cheh veh? |
Tudo jóia? | Everything great? | Too-doo zhoh-ee-ah? |
Estou legal, e você? | I’m doing well, and you? | Es-toh leh-gahl, eh vo-seh? |
Sem reclamações! | No complaints! | Sem heh-krah-mah-soins! |
Estou feliz, obrigado(a). | I’m happy, thank you. | Es-toh feh-leez, ob-ree-gah-doo(a). |
Não posso me queixar. | I can’t complain. | Now pah-soh mee keh-shar. |
Tudo de bom! | Everything good! | Too-doo jee bohm! |
A vida é boa, e a sua? | Life is good, and yours? | Ah vee-dah eh bo-ah, eh ah soo-ah? |
Estou na luta, mas tudo bem. | I’m struggling, but everything is fine. | Es-toh nah loo-tah, mahz too-doo behm. |
Learning how to say hello in Portuguese boosts your language skills and lets you connect more deeply with different cultures. We’ve seen that the way people greet each other can vary greatly, depending on where they are and who they’re talking to. Good at using the proper greetings can improve how you get along with people, whether you’re chatting casually, meeting someone in a work setting, or even talking online.
It’s important to remember that using greetings correctly shows respect and helps things start off on the right foot. Watch for the little things that tell you which greeting to use as you keep practicing. Try out different ways of saying hello and see how they can open up new friendships and opportunities in places where Portuguese is spoken.