How to Say “I Don’t Know” in Spanish: Essential Phrases and Usage

When learning a new language, it’s crucial to share your thoughts and express when you’re unsure. It’s okay to say you don’t understand in a chat. This helps avoid confusion and makes it alright for everyone to ask questions.

If you’re open about not knowing something, others will likely help you out, which means you learn more and connect better. This method makes your communication more transparent and boosts your learning and helps you improve at the language.


Common Ways to Say “I Don’t Know” in Spanish

There are many ways to express uncertainty or admit a lack of knowledge in Spanish. Depending on the situation, tone, or region, these phrases can vary. In this section, you will discover common ways to say “I don’t know” in Spanish, helping you navigate conversations with confidence and clarity.

Spanish PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
No séI don’t knownoh seh
No lo séI don’t know itnoh loh seh
No tengo ideaI have no ideanoh tehn-goh ee-dah
No estoy seguroI’m not surenoh es-toy seh-goo-roh
No tengo ni ideaI have no idea at allnoh tehn-goh nee ee-dah
No sé nadaI don’t know anythingnoh seh nah-dah
No estoy claroI’m not clearnoh es-toy klah-roh
No tengo la menor ideaI have the slightest ideanoh tehn-goh lah meh-nor ee-dah
No me acuerdoI don’t remembernoh meh ah-kwehr-doh
No lo recuerdoI don’t remember itnoh loh reh-kwehr-doh
No estoy al tantoI’m not up to datenoh es-toy al tahn-toh
No te sabría decirI wouldn’t know how to tell younoh teh sah-bree-ah deh-seer
No tengo informaciónI have no informationnoh tehn-goh in-for-mah-see-on
DesconozcoI don’t know (about)des-koh-nohs-koh
No me constaIt doesn’t seem clear to menoh meh kon-stah
No lo tengo claroI don’t have it clearnoh loh tehn-goh klah-roh
No puedo contestar esoI can’t answer thatnoh pwedo kon-tes-tahr eh-so
No te puedo decirI can’t tell younoh teh pwedo deh-seer
No puedo darte una respuestaI can’t give you an answernoh pwedo dar-teh oo-nah reh-spweh-stah
Ni ideaNo ideanee ee-dah
No lo tengo presenteI don’t have it in mindnoh loh tehn-goh preh-sen-teh
No puedo asegurarloI can’t assure itnoh pwedo ah-seh-goo-ahr-loh
No lo he oídoI haven’t heard itnoh loh eh oh-ee-doh
No me suenaIt doesn’t ring a bell to menoh meh swen-ah
Me has dejado en blancoYou’ve left me blankmeh ahs deh-hah-doh en blahn-koh
No te sé decirI can’t tell younoh teh seh deh-seer
No puedo confirmarloI can’t confirm itnoh pwedo kon-feer-mahr-loh
Estoy en las mismasI’m in the same situationes-toy en las mee-mas
No lo tengo en la cabezaI don’t have it in mindnoh loh tehn-goh en lah keh-bah
No estoy informadoI’m not informednoh es-toy in-for-mah-doh
No lo puedo asegurarI can’t assure itnoh loh pwedo ah-seh-goo-ahr
No he tenido tiempo de averiguarloI haven’t had time to find outnoh eh teh-nee-doh ti-em-poh deh ah-veh-ree-gahr-loh
No tengo datosI have no datanoh tehn-goh dah-tos
No soy la persona adecuada para esoI’m not the right person for thatnoh soy lah pehr-soh-nah ah-kweh-dah pah-rah eh-so
No lo conozcoI don’t know him/hernoh loh koh-nohs-koh
No me acuerdo en este momentoI don’t remember at this momentnoh meh ah-kwehr-doh en es-teh mo-men-toh
No sé cómo responderI don’t know how to respondnoh seh koh-moh reh-spon-dehr
No lo tengo claro ahoraI don’t have it clear right nownoh loh tehn-goh klah-roh ah-oh-rah
No sabría explicarloI wouldn’t know how to explain itnoh sah-bree-ah eks-plee-cahr-loh
No puedo darte una respuesta claraI can’t give you a clear answernoh pwedo dar-teh oo-nah reh-spweh-stah klah-rah

Additional Expressions for Uncertainty in Spanish

In Spanish, there are many ways to express uncertainty beyond the basic “no sé.” These expressions add depth and nuance to conversations, allowing speakers to communicate hesitation, doubt, or indecision. Learning these phrases helps improve fluency and better captures the subtleties of everyday communication.

Also See – How To Say Good Night In Spanish In 54 Dreamy Ways

Spanish PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Tal vezMaybetahl behs
Puede serIt could bepwheh-deh ser
No estoy seguroI’m not surenoh ehs-toy seh-goo-roh
A lo mejorMaybe / Perhapsah loh meh-hor
Dudo queI doubt thatdoo-doh keh
No tengo claroI’m not clearnoh tehn-goh klah-roh
No lo sé con certezaI don’t know for surenoh loh seh kon sehr-teh-sah
Me parece que noIt seems to me that nomeh pah-reh-seh keh noh
Es posibleIt’s possibleehs poh-see-bleh
No me queda claroIt’s not clear to menoh meh keh-dah klah-roh
A lo mejor noMaybe notah loh meh-hor noh
Es probable queIt’s likely thatehs proh-bah-leh keh
Estoy en dudaI’m in doubtehs-toy en doo-dah
No estoy convencidoI’m not convincednoh ehs-toy kon-ven-see-doh
No estoy del todo seguroI’m not entirely surenoh ehs-toy del toh-doh seh-goo-roh
No tengo una respuesta claraI don’t have a clear answernoh tehn-goh oo-nah reh-spoo-eh-stah klah-rah
Supongo que síI suppose sosoo-pon-goh keh see
No me atrevo a decirI don’t dare to saynoh meh ah-treh-voh ah deh-seer
No puedo asegurarloI can’t assure itnoh pwheh-doh ah-seh-goo-r-loh
No lo tengo claroI’m not clear about itnoh loh tehn-goh klah-roh
No estoy cien por cien seguroI’m not a hundred percent surenoh ehs-toy syen por syen seh-goo-roh
Podría serIt could bepoh-dree-ah ser
No sabría decirI wouldn’t know how to saynoh sah-bree-ah deh-seer
No tengo certezaI don’t have certaintynoh tehn-goh sehr-teh-sah
Es una posibilidadIt’s a possibilityehs oo-nah poh-see-bee-li-dah
Tengo mis dudasI have my doubtstehn-goh mees doo-dahs
No puedo garantizarloI can’t guarantee itnoh pwheh-doh gahr-ahn-tee-ahr-loh
Diría que noI would say nodee-ree-ah keh noh
No estoy muy seguroI’m not very surenoh ehs-toy mooy seh-goo-roh
Parece dudosoIt seems doubtfulpah-reh-seh doo-doh-soh
Es inciertoIt’s uncertainehs in-see-er-toh
Podría ser que noIt could be that nopoh-dree-ah ser keh noh
No estoy tan seguroI’m not that surenoh ehs-toy tahn seh-goo-roh
Puede que síIt might be yespwheh-deh keh see
No lo tengo claro del todoI’m not completely clear about itnoh loh tehn-goh klah-roh del toh-doh
No es seguroIt’s not certainnoh ehs seh-goo-roh
No tengo idea claraI don’t have a clear ideanoh tehn-goh ee-dah klah-rah
No se puede saberIt can’t be knownnoh seh pwheh-deh sah-behr
Tengo mis reservasI have my reservationstehn-goh mees reh-ser-vahs

Example I don’t know sentences in Spanish

Spanish PhraseEnglish MeaningPronunciation
No sé qué hacer.I don’t know what to do.noh seh keh ah-sehr
No entiendo lo que dices.I don’t understand what you’re saying.noh en-tee-ehndoh lo keh dee-sehs
No sé cómo resolver este problema.I don’t know how to solve this problem.noh seh koh-moh reh-sohl-vehr ehs-teh proh-bleh-mah
No conozco esa palabra.I don’t know that word.noh koh-nohs-koh eh-sah pah-lah-brah
No estoy seguro de la respuesta.I’m not sure about the answer.noh es-toy seh-goo-roh deh lah rehs-pwehs-tah
No tengo idea de dónde está.I have no idea where it is.noh tehn-goh ee-deh-ah deh don-deh eh-stah
No sé cómo llegar allí.I don’t know how to get there.noh seh koh-moh yeh-gahr ah-yee
No sé si eso es cierto.I don’t know if that’s true.noh seh see eh-soh es see-air-toh
No recuerdo cómo se dice eso.I don’t remember how to say that.noh reh-kwehr-doh koh-moh seh dee-seh eh-soh
No sé qué significa.I don’t know what it means.noh seh keh seeg-nee-fih-kah
No estoy seguro de qué estás hablando.I’m not sure what you’re talking about.noh es-toy seh-goo-roh deh keh eh-stahs ah-blahn-doh
No sé cómo se pronuncia.I don’t know how to pronounce it.noh seh koh-moh seh proh-noon-syah
No sé qué quieres decir.I don’t know what you mean.noh seh keh kyeh-res deh-seer
No sé cómo explicarlo.I don’t know how to explain it.noh seh koh-moh eks-plee-kahr-loh
No tengo información sobre eso.I don’t have information about that.noh tehn-goh een-for-mah-syohn soh-breh eh-soh
No sé cuándo empieza.I don’t know when it starts.noh seh kwahn-doh ehm-pyeh-sah
No sé dónde está el baño.I don’t know where the bathroom is.noh seh don-deh eh-stah el ban-yoh
No sé qué hora es.I don’t know what time it is.noh seh keh oh-rah es
No sé si puedo hacerlo.I don’t know if I can do it.noh seh see pweh-doh ah-sehr-loh
No sé cómo funciona.I don’t know how it works.noh seh koh-moh foon-syoh-nah
No tengo idea de cómo sucedió.I have no idea how it happened.noh tehn-goh ee-deh-ah deh koh-moh soo-seh-dyoh
No sé si estaré disponible.I don’t know if I will be available.noh seh see ehs-tah-reh dis-poh-nee-bleh
No sé qué más decir.I don’t know what else to say.noh seh keh mahs deh-seer
No sé cuál es el plan.I don’t know what the plan is.noh seh kwahl es el plahn
No sé por qué pasó.I don’t know why it happened.noh seh pohr keh pah-soh
No sé dónde lo dejé.I don’t know where I left it.noh seh don-deh lo deh-heh
No estoy seguro de qué hacer a continuación.I’m not sure what to do next.noh es-toy seh-goo-roh deh keh ah-sehr ah con-tee-nwah-syohn
No sé cuánto cuesta.I don’t know how much it costs.noh seh kwahn-toh kweh-stah
No sé qué debo llevar.I don’t know what I should bring.noh seh keh deh-boh yeh-vahr
No sé si lo he hecho bien.I don’t know if I’ve done it right.noh seh see lo eh eh-choh byen
No sé qué opciones tenemos.I don’t know what options we have.noh seh keh op-syoh-nes teh-neh-mohs
No estoy seguro de haber entendido.I’m not sure I understood.noh es-toy seh-goo-roh deh ah-behr ehn-tehn-dee-doh
No sé qué tan lejos está.I don’t know how far it is.noh seh keh tahn leh-hohs es-tah
No sé si va a llover hoy.I don’t know if it’s going to rain today.noh seh see vah ah yoh-vehr oy
No sé qué pensar al respecto.I don’t know what to think about it.noh seh keh pehn-sahr ah rehs-pehk-toh
No sé cuál es tu opinión.I don’t know what your opinion is.noh seh kwahl es too oh-pee-nyohn
No sé cómo arreglarlo.I don’t know how to fix it.noh seh koh-moh ah-rreh-glahr-loh
No sé si lo he visto antes.I don’t know if I’ve seen it before.noh seh see lo eh vees-toh ahn-tays
No sé qué sabor tiene.I don’t know what it tastes like.noh seh keh sah-bohr tee-eh-neh
No sé cuánto tiempo tomará.I don’t know how long it will take.noh seh kwahn-toh tee-em-poh toh-mah-rah


To put it simply, knowing how to say “I don’t know,” “I don’t understand,” and “I’m not sure” in Spanish is essential. These phrases help a lot when you’re talking and things aren’t clear. They also help you connect better with people who speak Spanish natively. Using these phrases correctly makes learning and cultural exchanges more accessible and enjoyable. So, it’s a good idea to use them regularly in your conversations to improve Spanish.

Daniel Rivera

Daniel Rivera started his career in technology but soon realized he loved teaching others how to use it. He co-founded Edmora to bring together his love for tech and teaching.

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