Learning to express affection in French is more than just picking up new words; it’s a key to deeper cultural insights and personal bonds. When you know how to say “Je t’aime” or “You are important to me,” you’re not just talking about love. You’re getting into the heart of the French language and culture. This knowledge helps travelers and cultural buffs build genuine connections as they explore French-speaking places.

How to Say I Love You in French
Expressing love in French goes beyond the simple “je t’aime.” The French language offers many ways to share your feelings, each carrying its own charm. Whether you’re whispering sweet nothings or making a grand gesture, these phrases can help you speak the language of love with ease.
French Phrase | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Je t’adore | I adore you | zhuh tah-DOR |
Je suis fou/folle de toi | I am crazy about you | zhuh swee foo/fol duh twah |
Tu es l’amour de ma vie | You are the love of my life | tu eh lah-MOOR duh mah vee |
Je tiens à toi | I care about you | zhuh tyen ah twah |
Mon cœur bat pour toi | My heart beats for you | mohn kur ba pour twah |
Tu es tout pour moi | You mean everything to me | tu eh toot poor mwah |
Je pense à toi sans cesse | I think of you constantly | zhuh pahns ah twah sahn ses |
Mon amour pour toi est éternel | My love for you is eternal | mohn ah-MOOR poor twah eh-tehr-NEL |
Je te désire | I desire you | zhuh tuh day-ZEER |
Tu me rends heureux/heureuse | You make me happy | tu muh rahndz uhr-uh/uhz |
J’ai besoin de toi | I need you | zhay beh-ZWAN duh twah |
Tu es mon âme sœur | You are my soulmate | tu eh mohn ahm suhr |
Je suis à toi | I am yours | zhuh swee ah twah |
Tu me manques terriblement | I miss you terribly | tu muh mahngk tehr-ree-BLEH-mahn |
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi | I cannot live without you | zhuh nuh puh pah veev sahn twah |
Je t’aime plus que tout | I love you more than anything | zhuh tem ploos kuh toot |
Tu es mon trésor | You are my treasure | tu eh mohn tray-ZOR |
Tu es ma raison de vivre | You are my reason to live | tu eh mah ray-ZOHN duh vee-vr |
Je t’aimerai toujours | I will always love you | zhuh tay-muh-ray too-ZHOOR |
Mon cœur est à toi | My heart is yours | mohn kur eh ah twah |
Tu es mon bonheur | You are my happiness | tu eh mohn bohn-UHR |
Tu illumines ma vie | You light up my life | tu ee-loo-MEEN mah vee |
Je veux passer ma vie avec toi | I want to spend my life with you | zhuh vuh pah-SAY mah vee ah-vek twah |
Je me perds dans tes yeux | I get lost in your eyes | zhuh muh pehr dahn tayz yuh |
Tu es ma moitié | You are my other half | tu eh mah mwah-TEE |
Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi | I am in love with you | zhuh swee ah-muh-ruh/ruhz duh twah |
Je te porte dans mon cœur | I carry you in my heart | zhuh tuh port dahn mohn kur |
Tu es la prunelle de mes yeux | You are the apple of my eye | tu eh lah prun-EL duh may yuh |
Je n’aime que toi | I love only you | zhuh nem kuh twah |
Je t’aime de tout mon cœur | I love you with all my heart | zhuh tem duh toot mohn kur |
Tu fais battre mon cœur | You make my heart beat | tu feh baht ruh mohn kur |
Tu es mon rêve devenu réalité | You are my dream come true | tu eh mohn rev duh-vuh-nuh ray-AH-li-tay |
Je vis pour toi | I live for you | zhuh vee poor twah |
Tu es la personne que j’aime le plus | You are the person I love the most | tu eh lah pair-SOHN kuh zhem luh ploo |
Je te veux à mes côtés | I want you by my side | zhuh tuh vuh ah may koh-tay |
Mon cœur t’appartient | My heart belongs to you | mohn kur tah-par-TYAN |
Tu me complètes | You complete me | tu muh kom-PLET |
Je suis comblé(e) grâce à toi | I am fulfilled thanks to you | zhuh swee kohm-BLAY grah-sah twah |
Je te chéris | I cherish you | zhuh tuh shay-REE |
Tu es ma plus belle histoire | You are my most beautiful story | tu eh mah ploo behl eess-TWAHR |

Variations of I Love You in French
French offers many ways to express love, each carrying its own nuance. From romantic declarations to playful remarks, these phrases suit different moods and relationships. Knowing these variations will help you show affection in a more personal and heartfelt way.
Also Read – Unique Ways To Say I Love You In Various Languages
French Phrase | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Je t’aime | I love you | zhuh tem |
Je t’adore | I adore you | zhuh tah-dor |
Je suis fou de toi | I’m crazy about you | zhuh swee foo duh twah |
Tu me rends heureux | You make me happy | tu meh rahn deh uh-ruh |
Mon cœur bat pour toi | My heart beats for you | mohn kuhr ba pohr twah |
Je tiens à toi | I care for you | zhuh tee-ehn ah twah |
Tu es mon âme sœur | You are my soulmate | tu eh mohn ahm suhr |
Je suis à toi | I am yours | zhuh swee ah twah |
Je te chéris | I cherish you | zhuh tuh shay-ree |
Tu es ma raison de vivre | You are my reason to live | tu eh ma ray-zohn duh veev-ruh |
Je t’aime de tout mon cœur | I love you with all my heart | zhuh tem duh toot mohn kuhr |
Je pense à toi tout le temps | I think of you all the time | zhuh pahns ah twah too luh tahn |
Tu me manques | I miss you | tu meh mahngk |
Je suis amoureux de toi | I am in love with you | zhuh swee ah-moo-ruh duh twah |
Je t’aime à la folie | I love you madly | zhuh tem ah lah fo-lee |
Tu es tout pour moi | You are everything to me | tu eh toot pohr mwah |
Tu es la lumière de ma vie | You are the light of my life | tu eh lah loo-myair duh mah vee |
Je t’aime plus que tout | I love you more than anything | zhuh tem ploo keh toot |
Je t’admire | I admire you | zhuh tahd-meer |
Mon cœur t’appartient | My heart belongs to you | mohn kuhr tah-par-tahn |
Je t’aime infiniment | I love you infinitely | zhuh tem in-fee-nah-mohn |
Tu comptes beaucoup pour moi | You mean a lot to me | tu kohnt beh-kook pohr mwah |
Tu es mon trésor | You are my treasure | tu eh mohn tray-zor |
Je suis fou amoureux de toi | I am crazy in love with you | zhuh swee foo ah-moo-ruh duh twah |
Je suis passionné par toi | I am passionate about you | zhuh swee pah-see-oh-nay pahr twah |
Je te désire | I desire you | zhuh tuh day-zee-ruh |
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi | I can’t live without you | zhuh nuh puh pah veev-ruh sahn twah |
Tu fais battre mon cœur | You make my heart beat | tu feh baht-ruh mohn kuhr |
Mon amour pour toi est éternel | My love for you is eternal | mohn ah-moor pohr twah eh eh-tehr-nel |
Tu es tout ce dont j’ai besoin | You are everything I need | tu eh toot suh dohn zhay beh-zwah |
Je suis éperdument amoureux de toi | I am hopelessly in love with you | zhuh swee eh-pehr-doo-mahn ah-moo-ruh duh twah |
Je meurs d’amour pour toi | I die of love for you | zhuh muhr dah-moor pohr twah |
Je t’adore plus que tout | I adore you more than anything | zhuh tah-dor ploo keh toot |
Je t’aimerai toujours | I will always love you | zhuh tay-meh-ray too-zhoor |
Tu es ma moitié | You are my other half | tu eh ma mwah-tee |
Je vis pour toi | I live for you | zhuh vee pohr twah |
Je suis captivé par toi | I am captivated by you | zhuh swee kap-tee-vay pahr twah |
Je te veux à mes côtés pour toujours | I want you by my side forever | zhuh tuh vuh ah may koh-tay pohr too-zhoor |
Je suis charmé par toi | I am charmed by you | zhuh swee shar-may pahr twah |
Mon cœur est à toi | My heart is yours | mohn kuhr eh ah twah |

Romantic Phrases Related to Love in French
French is known as the language of love, and its romantic expressions capture deep feelings with elegance. These phrases evoke passion, tenderness, and the beauty of love. Whether you’re wooing someone or expressing devotion, these words can help you connect on a heartfelt level.
French Phrase | English Meaning | Pronunciation |
Je t’aime de tout mon cœur. | I love you with all my heart. | zhuh tem duh too mon kur |
Tu es l’amour de ma vie. | You are the love of my life. | tu eh lah-moor duh mah vee |
Mon cœur bat pour toi. | My heart beats for you. | mon kur bah poor twa |
Je pense à toi tout le temps. | I think of you all the time. | zhuh pahnss ah twa too luh tahn |
Tu es ma moitié. | You are my other half. | tu eh mah mwah-tee |
Tu me rends heureux/heureuse. | You make me happy. | tu muh rahnd uh-ruh/uh-ruhz |
Je suis fou/folle de toi. | I am crazy about you. | zhuh swee foo/fol duh twa |
Mon amour pour toi est éternel. | My love for you is eternal. | mon ah-moor poor twa eh eh-tehr-nel |
Ton sourire illumine ma journée. | Your smile lights up my day. | ton soo-reer ee-loo-meen mah zhoor-nay |
Tu es la lumière de ma vie. | You are the light of my life. | tu eh lah loo-myair duh mah vee |
Je veux passer ma vie avec toi. | I want to spend my life with you. | zhuh vuh pah-say mah vee ah-vek twa |
J’ai besoin de toi près de moi. | I need you close to me. | zhay buh-zwan duh twa preh duh mwa |
Chaque moment avec toi est précieux. | Every moment with you is precious. | shak moh-mahn ah-vek twa eh pray-syuh |
Ton amour est un trésor. | Your love is a treasure. | ton ah-moor eh un tray-zor |
Tu es l’étoile de mon ciel. | You are the star of my sky. | tu eh lay-twal duh mon syel |
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. | I cannot live without you. | zhuh nuh puh pah veev-ruh sahn twa |
Mon cœur appartient à toi seul. | My heart belongs to you alone. | mon kur ah-pahr-tehn ah twa sehl |
Tes baisers sont magiques. | Your kisses are magical. | tay beh-zay sohn mah-zheek |
Je te désire plus que tout. | I desire you more than anything. | zhuh tuh day-zeehr ploo kuh too |
Je rêve de toi chaque nuit. | I dream of you every night. | zhuh rev duh twa shak nuit |
Tu me fais sentir vivant(e). | You make me feel alive. | tu muh feh sahn-teer vee-vahn(e) |
Mon âme est liée à la tienne. | My soul is linked to yours. | mon ahm eh lee-eh ah la tyen |
Ton amour me complète. | Your love completes me. | ton ah-moor muh kom-pleht |
Tu es mon paradis sur terre. | You are my paradise on earth. | tu eh mon pah-rah-dee sur tair |
Je ferais tout pour toi. | I would do anything for you. | zhuh feh-ray too poor twa |
Mon cœur t’appartient. | My heart belongs to you. | mon kur tah-pahr-tyen |
Ta beauté est envoûtante. | Your beauty is enchanting. | tah boh-tay eh ahn-vu-tahnt |
J’ai trouvé mon bonheur en toi. | I found my happiness in you. | zhay troo-vay mon boh-neur ahn twa |
Je n’ai d’yeux que pour toi. | I have eyes only for you. | zhuh nay dee-uh kuh poor twa |
Tu es mon plus grand amour. | You are my greatest love. | tu eh mon ploo grahn ah-moor |
Dans tes bras, je me sens chez moi. | In your arms, I feel at home. | dahn tay brah, zhuh muh sahn shay mwah |
Je veux vieillir à tes côtés. | I want to grow old by your side. | zhuh vuh vee-yeer ah tay koh-tay |
Tu es ma raison de sourire. | You are my reason to smile. | tu eh mah ray-zon duh soo-reer |
Avec toi, tout est plus beau. | With you, everything is more beautiful. | ah-vek twa, toot eh ploo boh |
Tes yeux me captivent. | Your eyes captivate me. | tay zyeuh muh kap-teev |
Ton rire est une mélodie. | Your laughter is a melody. | ton reer eh oon may-loh-dee |
Ton amour est ma force. | Your love is my strength. | ton ah-moor eh mah fors |
Ma vie commence avec toi. | My life begins with you. | mah vee koh-mahns ah-vek twa |
Je suis chanceux/se de t’avoir. | I am lucky to have you. | zhuh swee shahn-suh/ze duh tah-vwahr |
Ton amour est mon plus grand cadeau. | Your love is my greatest gift. | ton ah-moor eh mon ploo grahn kah-doe |
Cultural Significance of Expressing Love in French
Importance of love in French culture
Talking about love in French goes way beyond just saying sweet nothings. It’s a big part of what makes French culture so special. From books to paintings to daily life, love pops up everywhere. It’s not just about romantic relationships; it’s a huge part of what it means to be French. To really get it, you have to see how love shows up in different ways—like in a beautiful poem or a simple kind gesture. Getting this helps you understand French people better and makes talking about love a key part of their culture and how they connect with each other.
How French people express affection
Understanding how the French show love offers a good starting point to see how unique their expressions of affection are. In France, showing love and affection is a big part of everyday life and the way people behave. People often say “I love you” (“Je t’aime”), but they also do a lot of non-verbal things like gentle touches, holding eye contact for a long time, and doing small, thoughtful things for each other.
This shows that French affection is usually quite subtle but very deep, reflecting a preference for keeping things private and intimate in close relationships. Also, the French really care about the right timing and setting when they express their feelings. This makes sure that their expressions are appropriate and sincere, which helps strengthen the bond between people.

How to say I like you in French
English | French | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
I like you (as a friend) | Je t’aime bien | ʒə tɛm bjɛ̃ | Zhe tem |
I like you | Tu me plais | ty mə plɛ | Too muh pleh |
I like you | Je suis amoureux de toi | ʒə sɥiz‿ amuʁø də twa | Zhe soo-is ah-mo-ruh duh too-ah |
I adore you | Je t’adore | ʒə tadɔʁ | Zhe tah-dor |
I think I’m falling for you | Je crois que je suis en train de tomber amoureux de toi | ʒə kʁwa kə ʒə sɥiz‿ ɑ̃ tʁɛ̃ də tɔ̃be amuʁø də twa | Zhe croo-ah kuh zhe soo-is an trahn duh tom-beh ah-mo-ruh duh too-ah |
Would you like to go out with me? | Tu veux sortir avec moi ? | ty vø sɔʁtiʁ‿ avɛk mwa | Too vuh sor-teer ah-vec moo-ah |
I really like you | Je te kiffe | ʒə tə kif | Zhe tuh keef |
I really like you a lot | Je te kiffe grave | ʒə tə kif ɡʁav | Zhe tuh keef grav |
I like you too | Je te kiffe aussi | ʒə tə kif‿ osi | Zhe tuh keef oh-see |
I like you too much | Je te kiffe trop | ʒə tə kif tʁo | Zhe tuh keef troh |
I want to see you | Je veux te voir | ʒə vø tə vwaʁ | Zhe vuh tuh voo-ar |
I like everything about you | J’aime tout de toi | ʒɛm tu də twa | Zhem too duh too-ah |
You are very pretty | Tu es très belle | ty ɛ tʁɛ bɛl | Too eh treh bell |
You are divine | Tu es divine | ty ɛ divin | Too eh dee-veen |
You are spectacular | Tu es spectaculaire | ty ɛ spɛktakylɛʁ | Too eh spec-ta-coo-ler |
I want you | Je te veux | ʒə tɑ̃ vø | Zhe ten vuh |
I want you | J’ai envie de toi | ʒe ɑ̃vi də twa | Zhé ahn-vee duh too-ah |
In this deep dive into French ways of expressing love, we’ve learned how rich and unique their romantic language is. We saw everything from the simple “Je t’aime” to more complex phrases like “Tu es ma raison d’être.” Knowing these phrases does more than just improve how you talk; it also helps you connect better with those who speak French.
These expressions carry a lot of cultural weight, so using them correctly is just as important as the emotion they convey. As you keep learning French, think of these romantic phrases as more than words. They’re your key to understanding and being part of French romance and culture.